Custom Full Registration Menu
Re: Custom Full Host Registration Menu for 1.4.0.rc2 and later
So I was going to remove a few menu items that I don’t need in the registration menu and was reading through this tutorial. When I went to go look for /bin/, I found that my /bin directory does not have Has something changed for 1.4.4 or am I looking in the wrong place? (I’m on Ubuntu 16.04)
That is because its in the inits (FOS virtual hard drive init.xz) not the fog server.
As the tutorial says to grab that file from github:
Then use the postinit script to ‘patch’ the inits without having to manually edit the inits.
@george1421 Ok cool, thanks. I’ll run through the tutorial then. I just wanted to make sure before I started making changes so that I didn’t break anything.
FYI if you jump to 1.5 you will need to modify items in the file as I learned.
@tom-elliott said in Postinitscripts and storage node replications:
@jgallo In particular, to fix this for you. Edit your “curl” lines. CHange the parts that say
to just state${web}...
(… = all the other data).
@ravigon Well really if you break something, all you do is stop executing the post init script call then reboot the target computer, no more patching will happen until you resolve the issue. So undoing it isn’t to hard.
I apologize in advance for my noobness. Ok, so I have the edited and put in the postinitscripts directory along with patch.fullreg. Do I need to restart a particular service for these to take effect?
No. As long as the correct commands in the fog.postinit that calls the patch.fullreg script and patch.fullreg copies correctly and that there are no syntax errors in you should be fine. Fog will know to call patch.fullreg when running a full host registration.
@jgallo Oh I see now. I needed to modify the fog.postinit file to call patch.fullreg. So now the last line in fog.postinit reads
. ${postinitpath}patch.fullreg
With that final modification, my custom registration menu now works! Thank you for all the help, this community has been great and I am really liking FOG.