Could you provide a tutorial for Fog within VirtualBox
ssx4life, I shall have a go at loading one of the pre-built VM’s into Virtual Box tomorrow evening. My main concern is that I will miss part of the installation process when setting up the production environment, but, I expect this can be overcome be traversing through the user guides on the Wiki pages a few times.
I shall keep you updated on progress as I go. Hopefully, once this initial testing stage is done, I should be integrating the solution into the production environment within a month or so. My existing solution, a combination of consumer version of Windows 7, TFTPD32 and a few Windows Shares is so unreliable I want to get something better in place ASAP.
Thanks for your help so far, I look forward to posting on my successes with Fog over coming days/weeks.
tnoble no problem
FYI I just tested the 0.27 image in Virtual Box and it works great.
Works just fine on my end, and you can quickly upgrade to .032 to test things out.
FWIW the user guide for setting up fog on VM Ware is the same as Virtual Box, the only difference is as Teena pointed out. Make sure that you bridge the connections.
I also would suggest using Ubuntu 10.X vs. 11 (11 just didn’t work well for me). I use 10.X desktop due to wanting to have a GUI.
Let me know if you have any other questions or need help
Anyone have any luck with baremetal box with FOG and creating gold images in VB? I can create them all day long, but never get a successful drop onto a machine. Super frustrated after a week. It shouldn’t be this hard…
I too am really interested in a VM tutorial, one to deploy existing Images into on a temporary basis.
Essentially, I’m administering fog for a community college campus that needs some way to open the image (temporarily) and pull a few files. I’ve been at a standstill on this. -
Not to leave people hanging or trying to pick up the pieces, but I have been absent from this project and many other items recently due to family issues, so I apologize for not keeping up with requests or being active on supporting this documentation at this time.
In regards to a VM tutorial perhaps someone could volunteer some time to look into this. However at this time I don’t have time and or resources to dedicate to this.
If things change you’ll be the first to know. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions and I’ll try to get back to ya’ll when I have time.
Thanks in advance >_<
I currently have FOG in virtualbox on my home system so I can help troubleshoot and test things out when I’m not at work. I have a master FOG server running 0.32 on Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS, a storage node running FOG 0.32 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and a client running Windows 7. I made them all part of the same private network so I can pxeboot my clients without affecting any other part of the network.
I have never done a video tutorial before, but i can do a written one pretty easily.
Take a look at [url][/url]
It’s not complete yet, but I’m open for comments and questions so far. Once it’s a bit more mature, I’ll move it to the Main namespace and find somewhere to link to it in the FOG User Guide or other appropriate locations.
Just installed FOG using a virtualbox running Ubuntu server (couldn’t see a need for a GUI) and found the process very smooth, steps for me were:
1/ Create fairly minimal machine on virtualbox
2/ Download Ubuntu server iso on host machine, mount in virtual machine, install using all default settings and no optional extras
3/ Download latest FOG .tar.gz from here using wget(Simpler than messing about with shared folders)
4/ Unzip and execute install script (A, Section 2)
5/ Enjoy watching the very well written script at work
6/ Set virtual machine network adapter to bridged, reboot virtual machine, use ifconfig to check that your real-world dhcp server is providing the virtual machine an ip
7/ Access web interface on host mchine using assigned IP (A, Section 2 again)
8/ At this point I gave my virtual machine a static address (B), and set my (Win 2k8) DHCP server’s option 67 and 66 to allow booting using FOG. (A, Section 3)(A) [url][/url]
(B) [url][/url]
Oh, don’t forget to change your IP settings if you do step 8