Dell laptop chainloading error causing boot loop
- FOG Version: 1.4.4
- OS: CentOS 7
- Service Version: NA
- OS: NA
Fog iPXE screen is having a chain loading issue when trying to boot from the local disk. They get the error and then reboot in 10 seconds and then just keep looping forever.
Computer models with issue are Dell Latitude 5580 and 5289
I am using GRUB as the Exit type in FOG.
Computers are UEFI booting to iPXE.
Here is a shot of the error. Picture
for UEFI, I would change the FOG exit mode for that model to rEFInd instead of grub
@george1421 Thanks, that worked. I see there is more settings under the system for exit types, so I just changed the whole EFI part of the server to REFIND_EFI. So we will see what that breaks.
@neodawg You can set the global fog exit mode for uefi to rEFInd since that one works the best on most systems with uefi firmware. Then for the one off systems where it doesn’t work then update the host configuration accordingly.
@george1421 Thanks, that is what I did.
So for legacy its set to GRUB and EFI its set to REFIND_EFI
@neodawg I can say for legacy, SANBOOT is the default. BUT if grub is working for you (no reason why it shouldn’t), then continue to use it. Just the default is SANBOOT. Some (funky) computers don’t like the sanboot method, so what ever works the best for you is the right one.
@george1421 Yep, I have had the best luck with GRUB vs SANBOOT, probably not as fast but works.
Thanks for the info, we can close this case!