Driver Issues With Dell Latitude 7280 - No Bootable Devices
@Tom-Elliott I’m not sure - I haven’t mounted the drive and checked in during a debugging phase. The script does say that the files have been successfully transferred however, and this does always work. If they aren’t transferred then the script fails.
@RobTitian16 Then possibly Windows 10 is told to look at this or that driver store differently from windows 7?
@Tom-Elliott I haven’t had any issues with Windows 10 so far on the different systems (also Latitude E6 something or other - there are a few of them). This is the post-download script I mentioned previously:
# Script here to mount the drive... ceol=`tput el`; machine=`dmidecode -s system-product-name`; #Gets machine model machine="${machine%"${machine##*[![:space:]]}"}" #Removes trailing space system64="/ntfs/Windows/SysWOW64/regedit.exe"; #Determine if it's 64 bit or not dots "Creating driver folder on local system" # < This is fine on a new line. # Check if the DRV folder exists on the local PC. If not, create it: if [ ! -d "ntfs/Windows/DRV" ] then mkdir /ntfs/Windows/DRV &>/dev/null; echo -n "Done" fi # Check if the drivers exist on the FOG server. # If not, copy them across to the local PC (they must be extracted first on the FOG server): dots "Checking for Drivers on FOG Server" # < This bunches with the previous dots command. if [ -d "/images/Drivers/${machine}" ] then echo -n "Drivers found" dots "Copying Drivers to local system" # < This also bunches with the previous dots command. cp -r "/images/Drivers/${machine}/." "/ntfs/Windows/DRV" else echo -n "No drivers were found" # Give the reader a chance to see what the error was. sleep 10; # Terminate the post driver script. exit 1; fi # Add the driver location on the PC to devicepath in Registry: regfile="/ntfs/Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE" key="\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath" devpath="%SystemRoot%\inf;%SystemRoot%\DRV"; reged -e "$regfile" &>/dev/null <<EOFREG ed $key $devpath q y EOFREG # Remove the "In Progress" and replace it with: "Done" echo -e "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b${ceol}Done"; esac ```
I haven’t touched a 7280 just yet (will order my lot in July). But two things come to mind.
- These are the first kaby lake models. The first since Win10 was released. Win10 may not have the necessary drivers for the disk controller ‘on-board’.
- You may need to inject the driver into your reference image instead of into your target image. (we had to do something similar with nvme disks were introduced with Win7).
The disk is a boot time device. So I look at it this way, if no disk at boot time, the system will not boot to load any drivers off the
And just for clarity your post install script is for win7 not win10. Win10 will only look for drivers defined in the unattend.xml. It does not reference the registry entry that is being set in your post install script. It doesn’t hurt to set it, the registry key just won’t be used.
@george1421 said in Driver Issues With Dell Latitude 7280 - No Bootable Devices:
And just for clarity your post install script is for win7 not win10. Win10 will only look for drivers defined in the unattend.xml. It does not reference the registry entry that is being set in your post install script. It doesn’t hurt to set it, the registry key just won’t be used.
Bah, when did that happen? I could never get the unattend.xml driver injection to work for whatever reason. I guess I’ll go back to including the drivers in the reference image and test it out.
Edit: I must have misread your comment. I just need to edit the unattend.xml to point to C:\Windows\DRV for the drivers, instead of relying on the registry change?
@RobTitian16 said in Driver Issues With Dell Latitude 7280 - No Bootable Devices:
I just need to edit the unattend.xml to point to C:\Windows\DRV for the drivers, instead of relying on the registry change?
Correct. I’m a bit surprised that your other win10 images actually worked??
Either way that’s not your issue with the 7280. For the 7280 you need to inject the driver into the reference (golden) image before capture.
@george1421 ref:
For WIN10 you must update the unattend.xml file to include this section. This is an example for the amd64 arch.
<settings pass="offlineServicing"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsNonWinPE" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <DriverPaths> <PathAndCredentials wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="1"> <Path>C:\Windows\DRV</Path> </PathAndCredentials> </DriverPaths> </component> </settings>
@george1421 Me too! I’m not sure how… maybe they were using some kind of driver picked up as I was building the image in Hyper-V, though I haven’t seen anything of the such in the golden image.
Theoretically, couldn’t I edit the script to put the drivers in the driver store? According to the below link, that’s where Windows 8 and later first searches for drivers and installs them onto the device. -
@RobTitian16 That only works if Windows detects the disk in the first place.
@RobTitian16 said in Driver Issues With Dell Latitude 7280 - No Bootable Devices:
heoretically, couldn’t I edit the script to put the drivers in the driver store?
That’s precisely what were were doing with Win7. From your code:
# Add the driver location on the PC to devicepath in Registry: regfile="/ntfs/Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE" key="\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath" devpath="%SystemRoot%\inf;%SystemRoot%\DRV"; reged -e "$regfile" &>/dev/null <<EOFREG ed $key
That path is the same one that is referenced in the document you linked. But that doesn’t work with Win10 (at least in my experience).
But Tom is right with the disk detection. Remember you have 2 issues here and not to get them confused.
@george1421 No, I meant the driver store, as in C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository, but after looking at it, I can see that’s where the .inf files are after they’ve been installed.
So, moving forward with this, I’ll now have to inject the drivers into the reference image from now on (thereby having multiple images for different types of systems)? -
@RobTitian16 said in Driver Issues With Dell Latitude 7280 - No Bootable Devices:
I’ll now have to inject the drivers into the reference image from now on (thereby having multiple images for different types of systems)?
What am I missing here?? As I see it…
Win7 == update registry location to search for drivers in c:\drivers (or where ever) and use sysprep
Win10 == Create entry in unattend.xml in golden image to search in c:\drivers or use postinstall script to copy in updated unattend.xml and use sysprepIts just a different method to achieve the same goal no change in overall process.
@george1421 Sorry, clearly I wasn’t with it this morning.
So, for the 7280, even after injecting the drivers into the golden image, it still isn’t working. I still receive ‘no bootable devices found’, and I am also using the updated Windows 10 Unattend.xml file. Do you know of any standard Dell drivers I can try? At this point I’m only interested in getting the hard drive recognised post-download.
@RobTitian16 OK we are focusing on the original issue.
well, lets assume the drives are loaded and the image was laid down to the best of FOGs ability. The question in my mind now, can the target computer be fixed (or made right for debugging purposes)?
What I would do is boot off the windows 10 cd and try to get into recovery mode with a command prompt.
I would check:
- can I see the hard drive and its contents?
- Do the contents look said?
- Can I rebuild the mbr/boot sector?
- Can I rebuild the boot.ini or what ever win10 uses with fixboot command?
Can you get it to boot. That will tell is a bit more. Right now without having one in my hands I can’t really dig into did FOG do something wrong, or we just don’t have the right drives installed (i.e you need to have the WinPE 10 drivers injected too into the golden image). The no boot device error is given on the very startup of win10 where winpe could be in command of the system.
@george1421 Thanks, George. I’m just reviewing this now, and I’ve created a test image with all of the drivers (Dell 7280 and Win10PE) installed. I haven’t sysprepped it either (though I don’t expect that to make much of a difference).
After the system has been imaged, it still says there are no boot devices. Interestingly, when I press F12 to go into the one-time boot menu, the hard drive isn’t even listed! I just have IPV4, IPV6 and the DVD USB drive with the Windows 10 disc (in preparation for your aforementioned steps).
It’s using UEFI mode to boot and I can see the drive is enabled in the BIOS (though it also doesn’t appear when choosing the boot sequence). I’ve set the SATA Operation to AHCI mode (it was on RAID on before). Is there anything else I could check? Or am I chasing a red herring and the hard drive shouldn’t appear in the UEFI one-time boot menu? -
@Sebastian-Roth Do you feel Rob’s issue is related to this one? ref:
@RobTitian16 said in Driver Issues With Dell Latitude 7280 - No Bootable Devices:
Or am I chasing a red herring and the hard drive shouldn’t appear in the UEFI one-time boot menu?
It should show in the boot menu when/if a valid uefi boot partition is created. The uefi firmware looks at the disk and will only display a uefi boot option if it finds uefi boot media. To test this put a windows OEM dvd in the dvd drive and boot into the boot options menu. It should show the dvd rom.
@george1421 Yep, that’s what I thought but wanted to check I wasn’t going insane.
I’ll take a snapshot of my FOG server and try the above mentioned fix in the article you linked. -
@george1421 Still no joy, even after updating again and running through the steps previously linked. I’ll try and boot from the CD and go from there.
@george1421 Sorry to resurrect this thread - unfortunately, this is still an issue.
To update everyone, I’m currently running: Ubuntu 14.04 server hosting FOG.
The FOG version is 1.5.0-RC-8.
The SVN Revision is: 6080.There seems to be something wrong on the BIOS level after applying the image: it no longer detects the UEFI hard drive. It detects it perfectly fine before the image in UEFI mode, but then I only see two options: “Onboard NIC (IPV4)”, and “Onboard NIC (IPV6)”. If I plug in the Windows 10 USB that came with the laptop, I see a third also: “UEFI: Dell Recovery USB 1100, Parititon1”.
So, what can I check/test or run to prevent this from happening in the future? Why does the hard drive disappear after applying the image? Are there any logs I can get to help determine the cause of this issue.
As always, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.