Windows 7 : universal image with Postdownload script : issues
@george1421 I think we need to identify if the HP recovery partition contains a /Windows directory. If so, then the script’s logic test is wrong. We may have to find another check to identify the true
drive from a recovery partition.
Right now the script may be fundamentally flawed,
Thank you all for your answer : quick reply :-
there is any recovery partition because, when i create a master image, i always delete all partitions. The first partition is the boot partiyon of Windows 7 (called “Partition System Reserved”).
i will try after edit the typo. Thank you, i missed it.
I will come back with the resultats.
I’m back with the results … and they are the same …
Maybe with the output of SSH, that can help you …[](link url)
Also, i have an other idea : just for the HP8000, i could hard-coded the good partition directly into the fog.postdownload script ?
Like that : “if $model = HP Compaq 8000 Elite USDT PC” (i don’t know if this var really exist, it’s just an example)
umount /ntfs
mount /dev/sda2 /ntfsor somethink like that …
I wrong, it’s seem to work …
I just do few tests to confirm this (test with Opti7010 and HP8000) and i will go back … -
@Jonathan-Cool I’m going crazy … after reboot the computer and retry a debug task, it’s didn’t work at this point …
It’s working now !
I did a mistake …
This is what I did to find my mistake- create a debug Task
- at the prompt, add root password
- with SSH, run the fog command
- CTRL+C after “Preparing Drivers”
- run “. /usr/share/fog/lib/”
- cd /images/postdownloadscripts
- sh -x fog.postdownload
- copy / paste the output in a txt file to debug
- analyze the code
- find a mistake with rsync
I copied the ini folder into “/images/Drivers/Win7/HP Compaq 8000 Elite USDT PC/” BUT the good path is “/images/Drivers/Win7/HP Compaq 8000 Elite USDT PC/x64”.
I tried after move the files in the good folder … and it’s works !
Now, i have a little other strange problem with domain on the HP 8000.
i can’t join the domain and fog.log said :02/05/2017 13:39 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token 02/05/2017 13:39 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not find file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat'
If I go into the folder, i can’t see the token.dat file.
With the same image and with the Optiplex7010, domain jonction works perfectly … strange !
@Jonathan-Cool The token.dat message is a “normal” thing and likely not the problem you’re seeing with domain not joining.
@Jonathan-Cool said in Windows 7 : universal image with Postdownload script : issues:
I tried after move the files in the good folder … and it’s works !
So it WAS the french guys fault…
Good job finding the issue!!
For your domain join, did the network adapter drivers load correctly? I have seen the no network thing cause a problem. This was on an intel nuc where the network drivers where not signed properly and you must accept the unsigned certificate for windows to load the drivers. I’m not saying this is your case now, only one place to check.
You right, it’s was me …
But, the script contained a little typo, remember
And now, i understood why the domain fail … simply because i CTRL+C for debug … and after, i rebooted the computer … but, the hostname changer process didin’t run ! And i has a bad hostname …
I just want to thanks all of you for your help.
With this post, i understood many thinks and i improve myself day after day
I’m very happy to learned news features with FOG and new knowledge
It’s solved !PS : this script works with Windows 10 ?
@Jonathan-Cool Ideally yes. But won’t know until it’s tested.
It’s me again …
I just need a precision about drivers : in this case, for Win7x64 and a HP820G3 (seem to be the same problem for Win10x64) : after the deploy and the unique reboot to join the domain, i can see in “Manage Device”, two “other” devices.IF I right-click on theses devices, update Drivers … and choose the C:\Windows\DRV location, Windows “finish” the installation.
Why Windows can’t do this installation just after the deploy ?
Is it a signature problem with theses devices ? (Wifi and Display Audio Driver).
This problem break my dream of a Golden Full-automated Windows Image -
@Jonathan-Cool It is possible that these two devices are hidden behind another device. I am just giving a random example.
Its possible that the wifi and audio chips on the motherboard are connect via a usb3 controller on the motherboard. You will not be able to see or load the drivers for the wifi or audio until the driver for the usb3 controller is loaded. The driver load process is only one pass (my guess). In that once it installs all known drivers it doesn’t look a second time for new devices that show up because the device in front was loaded.
It is hard to explain but I see it perfectly in my mind…
So what can you do?
This is just a guess, you can try in the setupcompleted.cmd file run DISM to force the drivers to load for all missing ones.
something like:
dism /online /add-driver /driver: "c:\windows\drv"
But I have to warn this is only a guess. I have not had to do this my self. We only buy Dells and they work every time, no funny business.
Thank you @george1421
After some tests, it seem to work but not at 100 per cent.
What i did :
On the Win7x64 Vbox image :- add a script SetupComplete.cmd with this line :
dism /Online /add-driver /driver:C:\Windows\DRV /Recurse
I reUP the image on FOG server and tried on the 820G3 : it’s seem to work ! … but … the domain jonction seem to be broken.
I said “What is going on now ???”
I tried the same image on the same computer (820G3) and … same result.
I tried the image on the Opti7010 and … same resultat : the domain jonction feature didn’t work anymore.
I said “I am going crazy ?”
I Googled this fact … and i find some answers (on this link : FOGService: Windows Control Pannel -> View by Small Icons -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> Right click FOGService -> Properties -> Startup Type -> Disabled Re-enable FOGService post-imaging: Create the below file. C:\Windows\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd Place these lines within the file, and then save. sc config FOGService start= auto shutdown -t 0 -r
Well, if i add theses lines on my SetupComplete.cmd, it’s will work this time (Drivers AND domain jonction) ? Or i am in the wrong way ?
- add a script SetupComplete.cmd with this line :
@Jonathan-Cool There is two ways to have the target computers to connect to domain.
- Have unattend.xml do this. You must provide the domain connection information in your unattend.xml. I do it this way because we have a complicated OU structure and we I have some scripts in the post install that decide where (physical location) the target computer is being installed and type of computer (desktop, laptop) to calculates the OU where the computer will exist. Once the target OU is calculated the unattend.xml file is updated using a
expression. Then during OOBE, windows setup connects the computer to the domain. - Have the fog client connect the computer to the domain. To do this, you must install the fog client into your reference image but disable the service. You must disable the service to keep the fog client from starting too early in OOBE in the windows setup process. Then use the setupcomplete.cmd batch file to re-enable the fog client service. This is the script you posted below. You must also have the fog client options enabled in the FOG web gui.
- Have unattend.xml do this. You must provide the domain connection information in your unattend.xml. I do it this way because we have a complicated OU structure and we I have some scripts in the post install that decide where (physical location) the target computer is being installed and type of computer (desktop, laptop) to calculates the OU where the computer will exist. Once the target OU is calculated the unattend.xml file is updated using a
I used the 2nd method but, in the fog.log on the client, error 1355 …
It’s strange because, with an other image without any SetupComand.cmd and a classic install of FOG Client into the image reference, it’s works.I used the Global settings to set ID of my domain. It’s not a typo …
With the image using the SetupComplete.cmd, domain jonction feature fail …
I think Windows correctly reads the SetupComands.cmd because the first problem seem solved (Drivers Injection). But, after the reboot, in services, i seen “FOGService : Disabled”.
My SetupComplete.cmd :
rem Injection des pilotes avant le premier Login Screen dism /Online /add-driver /driver:C:\Windows\DRV /Recurse rem Demarrage du service FOG avant le premier Login Screen sc config FOGService start= auto shutdown -t 5 -r
@Jonathan-Cool So your current problem is that the fog service is not turning back on in the setupcomplete.cmd?
What happens if you change the order in the setupcomplete.cmd file. Make the
command come first maybe dism is doing something right, but causing the sc command to fail. Thesc
command looks right and should work. -
2 side problems with SetupComplete.cmd :
- the fog service is not turning back on
- IF i turn the service at “start” manuelly, the domain jonction feature fail with error 1355
I have not theses problems without SetupComplete.cmd.
I tried to put the dism command-line in second and the sc config in first … same result.
StrangeNow, i ask my self if the SetupComplete is really executed …
Edit : i will try this script :
mkdir C:\TestSetupComplete sc config FOGService start= auto dism /Online /add-driver /driver:C:\Windows\DRV /Recurse /ForceUnsigned shutdown -t 5 -r
@Jonathan-Cool I would also test from cmd prompt that
sc config FOGService start= auto
works as expected with your OS. -
@george1421 said in Windows 7 : universal image with Postdownload script : issues:
@Jonathan-Cool I would also test from cmd prompt that
sc config FOGService start= auto
works as expected with your OS.@george1421 Yes, it’s works. I already tried
@Jonathan-Cool said in Windows 7 : universal image with Postdownload script : issues:
2 side problems with SetupComplete.cmd :
- the fog service is not turning back on
- IF i turn the service at “start” manuelly, the domain jonction feature fail with error 1355
I have not theses problems without SetupComplete.cmd.
I tried to put the dism command-line in second and the sc config in first … same result.
StrangeNow, i ask my self if the SetupComplete is really executed …
Edit : i will try this script :
mkdir C:\TestSetupComplete sc config FOGService start= auto dism /Online /add-driver /driver:C:\Windows\DRV /Recurse /ForceUnsigned shutdown -t 5 -r
And now, the feedback … :
- “mkdir C:\TestSetupComplete” : no folder was created …
- sc config FOGService start= auto : FOG is always disabled
- dism : maybe it’s good because i have no drivers problems
- shutdown : just after the deploy, i not sure if the computer really reboot …