Use Windows share to store fog image with cifs on Ubuntu
For the people that do not want to setup NFS server on windows but want to use windows share to store fog images.
Windows share that use CIFS/SMB mount will only work with user space NFS server such as unfsd3 or NFS-Ganesha
The regular kernel mode nfs_kernel_server does not compiled to support NFS re-export.
Assume you have a windows server with a share folder call fogshare and the share user is fog with the password fog. The FOG sever is on Ubuntu server.
sudo -i
#install CIFS support
apt-get install cifs-utils#Backup images folder so you can copy .mntcheck file later
mv /images /images.old
mkdir images
chmod -R 777#edit /etc/fstab to add the following line so windows share folder will mount to /images
//windows server IP or name/fogshare /images cifs username=fog, password=fog,noserverinfo,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,sec=ntlmssp 0 0#backup /etc/exports
cp exports exports_nfs_kernal_server#remove nfs_kernal_server
apt-get remove nfs-kernal-server#add the unfsd3 server source to /etc/apt/sources.list
#add archive lucid apt source for unfsd3
deb lucid main restricted universe
deb-src lucid main restricted universe#install unfs3
apt-get update
apt-get install unfs3#unfs3 does not like a * in the /etc/exports
replace the * with internal network x.x.x.x/24/images x.x.x.x/24(ro,sync,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=0)
/images/dev x.x.x.x/24(rw,async,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=1)#backup exports for future use
cp /etc/exports /etc/exports_ufs3#copy /image.old files to the new /images
#restart unfs3
/etc/init.d/unfs3 restartThis works on Ubuntu 14.04 and should work with other version as well.
I’m going to try this.