Skipping chkdsk?
[quote=“Kevin, post: 4871, member: 3”]Personally, I would like to see what jdd49 changed in the .29 bypass file and replicate it once .33 comes out. AFAIK the new version of FOG used Part Image? It would be nice to run the bypass with the new “imaging software”.
astrouga, what are you using the modify the file. I tend to use gedit to modify my files but init is to big to open. Are you using something else like Vi?[/quote]
my guess would be he’s mounting it to a temporary folder. the process is actually documented here:
Interesting, never knew that existed
[quote=“Kevin, post: 4876, member: 3”]Interesting, never knew that existed
I didn’t either. It seems it might not work though.astrouga
[quote=“Kevin, post: 4871, member: 3”]
astrouga, what are you using the modify the file. I tend to use gedit to modify my files but init is to big to open. Are you using something else like Vi?[/quote]I’m using the “by hand” method in the link dvlsg mentioned:
[url][/url]BTW, I realized a long time ago that it takes mere minutes to do a complete reinstall of a fog sever (minus images and such). So I just take a spare system set it up with ubuntu and the latest version of fog. Whenever I want to test a system, I just take my fog server offline and bring the test one up. I don’t have to worry about whacking my working server that way and I don’t have to go to the trouble of backing it all up.
[quote=“astrouga, post: 4885, member: 907”]
BTW, I realized a long time ago that it takes mere minutes to do a complete reinstall of a fog sever (minus images and such). So I just take a spare system set it up with ubuntu and the latest version of fog. Whenever I want to test a system, I just take my fog server offline and bring the test one up. I don’t have to worry about whacking my working server that way and I don’t have to go to the trouble of backing it all up.
astrouga[/quote]mmmhm. i do the same thing, actually. i have FOG running as a VM in VMWare, and i have a copy i can test out.
i’m just glad i know where the chkdsk’s are coming from. i didn’t realize they were a scheduled part of the quick image until i saw this thread, haha.
Has anyone tried setting “FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK = 0” to see if chkdsk runs? I just finished a couple of quickimage tasks with the setting on “0” and it did not run a chkdsk. Of course, I didn’t try it with “1”.
[quote=“astrouga, post: 4910, member: 907”]Has anyone tried setting “FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK = 0” to see if chkdsk runs? I just finished a couple of quickimage tasks with the setting on “0” and it did not run a chkdsk. Of course, I didn’t try it with “1”.
I think you’re right - the setting seems backwards. I swapped FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK to 0, and the quick image didn’t try running a chkdsk. I’ve only had a chance to try it once on one computer. I’ll see if I can push out a quick image to another.
Thanks for testing that out quickly.
That is what I figured after looking at the code. There is a shorthand php if-then that seems to determine it. Let us know if your get to test it on another host.
Yup! Same result with any quick image I try. I still haven’t had a chance to look at the init myself, but I’m glad you’re finding it! Does the if-then selection seem backwards in the php?
Yeah, perhaps they whole “DISABLE”/“ENABLE” thing got him confused. I think it would be easier for most people to go edit the php for the FOG SETTINGS page and change the FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK to FOG_ENABLE_CHKDSK. I’m not near my computer now, otherwise I’d insert the code and filename here. Tomorrow I guess.
Yeah. I tend to swap between disables/enables as well as if/not-if and my own code gets thrown off like that all the time. I completely understand, haha.
Easy fix though! Might want to report it as a bug, as well.
[quote=“dvlsg, post: 4938, member: 1186”]Yeah. I tend to swap between disables/enables as well as if/not-if and my own code gets thrown off like that all the time. I completely understand, haha.
Easy fix though! Might want to report it as a bug, as well.[/quote]
Good idea. I’ll do that. I think Blackout is re-writing that portion of the code in .33 anyway, but I’ll go ahead and do it.Cheers,
Oh, just a heads up (and I just noticed this) – we just ran a Full Host registration and Inventory, and that [I]did[/I] do a chkdsk, after I switched the setting in the console.
Doh! Well who knows then. I’ll see if that happens for me as well.
I just tested the “full host registration and inventory” and selected the option to image the system. Seems “chkdsk=1” is passed the append initrd line of the pxe configuration file for the host in this case. If I select the “quick image” option there is no “chkdsk” option in the pxe configuration file.
OK, seems the fastest was to disable this when you start imaging from the “full host registration and inventory” boot menu option is to edit /var/www/fog/services/auto.register.php and comment out the line that starts with
[CODE]$other .= (" chkdsk=" . ($core->getGlobalSetting(“FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK”) == “1” ? ‘0’ : ‘1’));[/CODE]
so, it becomes
[CODE]//$other .= (" chkdsk=" . ($core->getGlobalSetting(“FOG_DISABLE_CHKDSK”) == “1” ? ‘0’ : ‘1’));[/CODE]that stops the chkdsk option being added for just this boot menu option.
Interesting. I currently have it left as-is, since my organization typically doesn’t use quick imaging (we either have scheduled multicasts, or we use full host registration and inventory as new computers come in), but this is definitely good to know. Thanks for looking into it!