mounting /images failed: Connection timed out
@sjensen Right, can you also answer Tom’s question about fog server IP. That was going to be my next one after “Is NFS running?” According to your image, yes it is running.
The next question would be: Did you disable the linux firewall on this box? Did it get turned on some how?
iptables -L
if it only displays 3 accept policies then its off. -
@Tom-Elliott I have no firewalls blocking. I was able to upload an image prior.
@sjensen OK firewall is off, what about IP address of fog server?
ip addr show
@george1421 address of the fog server is static. The way I have the network setup, i have a separate VLAN just for imaging. The fog server (static ip) and client (DHCP) both get an IP address from the same subnet.
@sjensen Is the IP Address of the FOG Server
@sjensen So the picture from the NFS issue appears to be showing the IP as or (I can’t tell the picture get’s too pixelated).
Please either try getting a better picture of the message or tell us what IP it’s looking at for NFS?
@sjensen OK now that we confirmed the IP address is its inline with the error message on the screen shot you posted. Its difficult to see in the picture if the last digit is an 8 or a 0, lets assume its 0.
now from the fog server command prompt lets connect to your nfs share.
mount -t nfs /mnt
Then check the content of that mount
ls /mnt
that should give you the same response asls /images
If they are the same then you can nfs mount your fog server by your fog server.
You need to unmount that share to avoid conflicts in the future.
umount /mnt
@george1421 The result was the same after that was mounted.
@Tom-Elliott The ip is 192.168. 28.10
@sjensen What’s the permissions of the /images and /images/dev directories?
Are both set to fsid=1?
But that’s not permissions either.
ls -la /images
andls -la /images/dev
@sjensen THen my other question, what is the exact output of
cat /etc/exports
Please don’t screen shot and leave a “part” of it out this time?
@Tom-Elliott for reference this is what my fog server has (note the fsid is different for each export [share]):
pi@pi01:~ $ cat /etc/exports /images *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=0) /images/dev *(rw,async,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=1)
@george1421 What does that affect? Should I change it?