"Backing Up Database ... Failed" when updating FOG 1.3.0 RC
- FOG Version: 1.3.0 RC13
- OS: Debian 8.6 x64
- Behind a Proxy (Squid)
When i try to update my FOG server RC13 to RC17, i encounter this error :
Backing up database…Failed!
I encountered this issue a first time when i tried to update from RC3 to RC13…
I know there are many topics about this error, but i haven’t find a solution which solve my problem…
For information, when i install FOG, i install first the 1.2.0 version, and after i update to 1.30 RCx version.
Why ? Because i find 1.2.0 version more “customizable” during installation.
Perhaps the problem is here … ?When i access to http://x.x.x.x/fog/management/export.php?type=sqldump, i have a blank page with “###Invalid Login” …
If you need more information, i will try to give it to you as faster as possible.
Can you try updating to RC-17 and see if this still happens? I don’t know if it will or not, but RC-13 had a few issues which I’m pretty sure are addressed in RC-17.
You are fast
I don’t understand very well what you mean… I make a fresh install with FOG 1.3.0 RC-17 ? Because i have this problem when i run the installfog.sh script after updating my FOG install folder with GIT (from RC13 to RC17)
@xely Is there anything in the bin/error_logs/fog_error_1.3.0-RC-17.log file?
Can you post the last 20 lines here?
Can you check your /opt/fog/.fogsettings for
snmysqluser="{root}" snmysqlpass="{PasswordIfYouHaveOne}" snmysqlhost="{localhost}"
Given that it says invalid login, I’m guessing the login will be invalid in the fogsettings file.
@Quazz If he went to the browser and ran it, invalid login is coming from the fact the browser is failing to see any login information.