Upload Download NFS and reboot problem...
- FOG Version: 1.2.0
- OS: Debian 8.0
- Service Version:
- OS: Windows 7
Hello everyone, (And sorry for my english)
I’m using Fog on a private network (don’t want to use the same subnet that my users).
I’m doing image from Dell laptop or desktop.
With the hardware evolution I’ve met some trouble to recognize some SSD drive.
I’ve changed the kernel and everything fit until the Latitude 5470.
Here the symptoms :
Got some errors during the upload image but it goes to the end.
When I try to download the image to a new laptop, a message appear very quickly indicate that the job has been done and the laptop restart without anything happened.
I try severals kernel but got NFS error (.mntcheck exist all wright access in place). I’ve noticed that the network is off during it try to mount nfs.
I don’t know what to do now.
Please Help !! :___(
Thanks. -
My bet (guess) is the 5470s are using NVMe drives. This is a newer type drive similar to SSDs but not based on the SATA interface. FOG 1.2.0 does not support NVMe drives, period. You must upgrade to fog 1.3.0RCx to get NVMe, GPT, and solid Win10 support.
If it was me I would spin up a new FOG server and not upgrade your existing one so you have a fall back server to use during your migration.
Just to be sure (I think 1.2.0 has this feature), when you are in the host configuration for the specific host you want to deploy the image too, there is advanced options or something similar from the menus on the left (sorry its been 2 years since I last used 1.2.0), schedule a debug deployment. Then pxe boot the e5470 target computer.
This debug deployment will allow you to interact with the target computer by sending you to the linux command line on the target computer. Once you are at the FOS Engine (linux operating system that captures and deploys images on the target computer) key in the following
and post the results here. -
Thanks for your reply George,
Yes it’s an explanation. I’ll try and come back to you for information.
Do you have a link for the version 1.3 because I only found the 1.2 :_-\Thanks again.
@MikkyMike Just for clarity, FOG 1.3.0 has not been release yet, but the release canidates have, you can follow this procedure on either a new system or an upgrade to bring you up to date. https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Upgrade_to_trunk
Ok I didn’t understand this that way.
Ok I’ll try it just to see if it works.
Thanks again George ; )