Attemping to send Inventory
@adukes40 Is this from the main fog server, or a remote node?
@Wayne-Workman Main.
@adukes40 this is likely something in RC 11 which I can look at once I get home.
@Tom-Elliott You mean that is already fixed in 11?
@adukes40 no I mean you’re on rc11 and you’re seeing errors to something I missed on RC 11
Too dedicated pleasr pull and test for me?
@Tom-Elliott Pulling, will update shortly
@Tom-Elliott Well. it looks like the inventory sent, but when I go to check the hosts in the GUI, it is does not show up when I do a search, neither host name nor mac are to be found. (sent from a remote node)
@adukes40 Can you put this in a web browser, replace x.x.x.x with the remote node’s IP.
Does it try to load forever, or does it load with the version of FOG immediately?
@Wayne-Workman immediately says 51.
Does for all nodes and main.
@adukes40 Ok. That means your DB connection from nodes to main is good. I think it’s just a bug on the version you’re on, you’ll have to wait for tom to look at it - sorry.