WOL issue fog 1.2.0
Put the slash in front of the fog part int the path so it reads as /fog/wol/wol.php
Sorry, what a mistake I am deeply ashamed :oops:
some where I forgot the slash… :oops:
I’m in 1.3 version. I haven’t any FOG_WOL Option in the Fog General setings and my wakeonlan doesn’t work.
Is that normal?Thank
@Lombard wake on lab is handled much differently in trunk than it had been for fog 1.2.0. It no longer has a special page to send the packets as it once had and therefore does not require the fog settings element. If fog is not working in your environment if have to guess a few things. First, Wol is trying to go across su nets. Wol is a layer 2 element in similar respect to multicast. If udp packets are trying to cross sub nets this is likely the reason it’s not working for you. If udp packets are blocked to any/all subnets this could be the cause as well. To enable Wol across different subnets you need to enable udp broadcast forwarding in your network. This is an individual switch option so you likely need to work your way from the fog server up to the central with/router.
@Tom-Elliott Thanks Tom for this explanation! Since yesterday i have completely reinstall my fog server in 1.2.0.
The wake on lan doesn’t work. My server is in the same VLAN that my client computer. I test wakeonlan directly in command line in the server and it works. My server fog is in a hyper-v environnement. I don’t understand beacause i work in different network with the same architectury and i never saw this problem.Thanks
@Lombard and the “” work…
My parameter :
@Lombard Please check if the primary MAC for the host is correct.