Disparities Between Config file for release and trunk
I imagine there are a lot of changes between 1.2.0’s config file and current fog trunk. 1.2.0 was trunk 2,000 something or another. Current Trunk is somewhere north of 8200. That would be 6,000+ changes to the fog solution. I wouldn’t recommend using files from 1.2.0 at all in fog trunk.
Thanks for clearing things up for me, I’ll change the localhost back to 127. From the instructions on the wiki, I was under the impression that you had to install 1.2.0 before installing the trunk. I have a symbol in the password, so maybe that’s why the quotes were affecting it. I’m not a programmer, but I assume it can’t hurt to make it single quotes for future releases. I can copy paste or upload an image of the section of the config file that I’m referring to when I get in to work tomorrow.
@Sijmister what special character are you using?
@Sijmister said in Disparities Between Config file for release and trunk:
From the instructions on the wiki, I was under the impression that you had to install 1.2.0 before installing the trunk.
If you can give me a link to the article you were looking at, I’ll see if I can make that page better.
@Tom-Elliott It’s a dollar sign “$”. It’s the only special character.
@Sijmister Can you set your /opt/fog/.fogsettings with the password, but simply add a \ before the $ so it will become:
@Wayne-Workman https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?tit=Installation
https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Upgrade_to_trunkI read these two pages before starting the process.
Looking at it now I suppose I could have surmised that it’s possible to install using SVN without installing the release version, but the fact that it said upgrade to trunk on the dedicated trunk page made me assume otherwise. That’s clearly on me.
@Tom-Elliott OK, that worked. I uninstalled everything and reinstalled everything from scratch.
Although I did run into issues when unistalling with the files in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and ./sites-enabled/ named 001-fog.conf needing to be deleted before I could restart the apache2 service, which isn’t in the unistall guide in the wiki. After I installed I the manually added the “” to the password which worked even with the double quotes. But it didn’t ask me to input the IP for the DHCP server and can’t find that setting anymore, and I’m not able to direct the computer I’m testing to boot to PXE correctly. -
@Sijmister did you delete the /opt/fog/.fogsettings file? Settings in there would cause the installer to not ask you about anything, except if you wanted to install or not.
Normally - we don’t tell people to “uninstall”, we tell them to nuke and repave. It’s very, very, very difficult to uninstall fog completely. Just deleting web files isn’t enough. FOG touches a large number of OS configuration files, Service configuration files, export files, the list goes on… To effectively uninstall fog in the shortest time and getting it right every time - you format the server.
@Tom-Elliott Ignore the last sentence in my last post my supervisor was testing something. But the apache2 part was an issue I ran into.
@Wayne-Workman I did. I think I’m good for now, I just deployed an image and it worked quickly and perfectly on SVN vs when I tried with 1.2.0 earlier. Thank you guys for your help and building this wonderful tool.