Unable to connect to Web Interface. Git trunk(8245)
I did delete the .conf file.
As of right now, the fog installer is asking me to update database schema by entering fog management. And I cannot access the web interface to do so.
Any other ideas? I’d be more the willing to try anything you throw at me…
I wish I know which are the main components that allow me to access the web interface to the fogserver so I can dig in there and dissect each component.
@foggee You can try to tell the installer to update the DB, instead of using the web interface. idk if it will work or not.
just add the -y argument.
./installfog.sh -y
But the database isn’t the reason why I cannot see the web interface, right?
@foggee Right, but it needs updated one way or another.
I just ran ./installfog.sh -y
Updating Database...................................Failed!
How can I verify that Apache2 is running correctly and that it’s doing what its suppose to do?
@foggee type the IP of the server into a browser, you should get an Apache test page if it’s working.
I’m getting the “unable to connect” page, same as below.Can I ask for your expertise to help me troubleshoot Apache2? I feel like this is where should start but I have no idea how to, as I already uninstalled, deleted .conf file.
@foggee If you have time at 4:00 Central Standard, I can try to help via Team Viewer with you.
Unfortunately being at work will not allow me to do so, even when this is work related. I sent you an email for the FOG session tomorrow, hoping that it will get me out of this hole…
@foggee If it were me, and I couldn’t figure it out, I’d have just rebuilt the server.
Some quick questions regarding that.
If I rebuild the VM session, which is the best version of Ubuntu to be on? And when I start installing FOG, do I go straight to trunk or should I install 1.2.0 first then trunk it.
@foggee There are mixed thoughts about the best version of Ubuntu. IMO, I’d go with 16. There are special steps that need included (search the forums for “Ubuntu 16”), but after that it’s good to go. Ubuntu 14 will work without modification.
You do not need to install 1.2.0. You can go straight to trunk.