Imaging issue with writing BCD after FOG update (1.2.0)
Error is:
Backup and replacing BCD mv: cannot stat '/bcdstore/Boot/BCD': No such file or directory
I have completely ruled out the hard drive in the machine I’m trying to image, it’s fine. I did this by booting to a Hiren’s boot CD and cleaning and re-initializing the HDD.
I read about a similar error here:
…but I’m on 1.2.0, which is the latest version of FOG. Any ideas on how to fix this?? Thanks.
We need to know what OS and version your FOG server is running on.
@Wayne-Workman Certainly, thank you Wayne.
OS hosting FOG is Ubuntu 14.04 (w GUI and Mate).
I just now updated FOG to SVN 7853.I think the problem is actually with the image I’m trying to deploy, but I did nothing to it.
@WelbyAdmin I agree, I think it’s the image. it worked fine in 0.32? If so, you could build a 0.32 server quickly and just copy over the image, make the definition for it appropriately, and then restore to a computer - then upload that to the new server.
That might work.
Another option is to rebuild the image.
Pay attention to this thread, others may chime in with better advice.
@Wayne-Workman Thank you, I just finished imaging a machine with an older image, so it 100% was the image. No worries though, I’ll just build a new one. Thank you!