Some Errors and a sleeping moment
After bzImage and init.gz was loading i get this messages:
On these Steps he stops for ca 30 Seconds or more. After that all works perfectly. Is there anything what i can do to minimize these Time?
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/7_Foto 04.01.12 14 07 30.jpg?:”]Foto 04.01.12 14 07 30.jpg[/url]
Great work on the screenshot, it provides more information than you know!
What does it say directly after the 30second wait?
I assume its trying to negotiate drivers for a particular piece of hardware… maybe firewire? Did you try disabling firewire in BIOS?
You could try updating your Kernel as this is doing the detecting.
after 30 seconds (or more) comes the normal fog logo and the points Checking Operating System, etc and then he starts to image. i have no firewire. and i try it with differtent kernels (inclusive beta), but everywhere the same.
Have you tried imaging on a different hardware set?
I have not seen the delay, so it must be hardware related.
i tried this on 3 different hardware sets, always this delay. On this hardware sets fog 0.29 runs without any delay. its not a problem, we can wait this seconds. i thought this errors in the screenshot are the reason for the delay…
It’s a kernel issue with your hardware then. You can always run the 0.29 kernel on 0.32.
Blackout, are you sure this isn’t an initrd issue? I was thinking I had some issue where I changed out my init file and it took care of something similar to this.
[quote=“rixter, post: 474, member: 168”]Blackout, are you sure this isn’t an initrd issue? I was thinking I had some issue where I changed out my init file and it took care of something similar to this.[/quote]
NoIts just my best guess
It could indeed be another issue.