Trunk install - Downloading inits, kernels and client fails
I’m trying to update to the latest trunk version and it fails on the step “Downloading inits, kernels, and the fog client”. I saw the other thread on this same issue, but I can download the client manually with no redirects. It only fails when running the installer.
Are you behind a proxy?
Are you still having an issue downloading the kernels with the latest trunk version?
For what it’s worth, when updating, sometimes that step times out and sometimes it doesn’t. It seems to be an internet connectivity issue on either my end or the other end. I had this when updating to 5592
@Mark-Buteyn What is your internet connection speed (up and down)?
(Just trying to draw a connection here) Do you have known intermittent internet access issues? I’m pretty sure they are still using wget to pickup the kernels and inits. I wonder if we added a longer wait time for wget that would resolve (or at least mask) the issue.