Snapin Return Code?
Just curious as to the meaning of the snapin return codes and state. I have created a snapin to install Kaspersky using InstallRite. The snapin appears to at least attempt installation, but it is never successful. The snapin log indicates a Return Code of 0 and a State of 2. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Return code 0 = all ok
No idea about the state sorry.
You should get the snap-in working from the .exe file first, then upload and deploy from FOG.
Can you confirm it works directly from the exe? If not, you need to work on that. -
Thanks for the suggestion. I am new to creating snapins and I am just trying whatever I can to get things to work. I decided to abandon InstallRite in favor of SFX Maker. It seems to be working correctly now.
Both are bad. I had the most success with SFX Maker.
what is the meaning of return codes 1620 and 7?