How to remove login and password in Quick imaging
My Version is: 5475
There is no option to edit, however when I pointing at fog.quickmeny it seems to be a link so I copied it, pasted into the browser and it opens the window but immediately closing it again. I managed to stop it and now I can see it but what I suppooste to change inside the code ? -
@Robx64 I think it’s a bug. You have the latest version of FOG dev ?
Edit : no it’s not the latest version lol.
Please update to latest SVN that problem is solved. -
I did not said this is the latest version
I’ll update it but meantime I found another big problem:
While I’m tryiung to statr imaging getting error:
Veryfyinf network interface configuration … Failed
No network interface found (Dell Precision 390)
Any suggestions ? -
What network is in the system?
What do you mean What network ?
Other machines works fine, just this one -
What network is on the system? What is the manufacture? Is there a network card on the system? Do you have other systems of the same model that aren’t having the same problem?
I already tested multiple network cards on this system and still the
same problem -
Can you answer my question?
What network card is on that system?
Tested on builtin Intel, external PCI Braodcom, External Intel PCie.
Meantime upgraded to the latest (5566) so what i suppose to do now to remove the password and login ? -
I’m so confused.
Didn’t you open another thread about this and I gave (I thought) pretty direct information.
Yes, you copy the :make it read as: section into the quickimage.
Sorry for the mess
Yes I already did this and now I’m waiting to check is it working or notRegarding the network cards, as I said, tested on many different cards and there is the same problem with the other cards as well.
So i tried Dell 390 on old (fog_0.32) and guess what … it takes about 20 sec until it start imaging so … maybe I should change some timings in new fog but which ones ? -
@Tom-Elliott said:
What network is on the system? What is the manufacture? Is there a network card on the system? Do you have other systems of the same model that aren’t having the same problem?
I just checked it, inside the machine is intel nh82801gr -
Problem sorted, now I don’t have to type in login and password anymore
Thank you guys
Now can you create a thread about the NIC problems?
Apparently this problem is solved as well, right after I upgraded FOG to the most current version it seems to work so If I spot any problems I’ll do
Thank you Tom for your help.