pxe boot, advanced menu with login isn't working
@Tom-Elliott said:
@Scott-B where are the \r\n lines doing? Or was this file edited/opened by Windows?
Hi Tom
I think this is because of escaped characters again.
May I open a specific thread for these problems ?I have these \r\n for example in image description when I write this text on several lines, with return between each one.
I saw escaped problems in:
snapins fields
PXE menu
host or image descriptionMaybe could be the same in other fields
And what is problematic:
french accents é, à , ê, etc …
Line feed and/or carriage return
Maybe more …Sometimes I can see that in database, but not in FOG interface (for example \r\n isn’t visible in fog interface but is in database)
Sometimes I can see in both (for example for french accents) -
I’ve updated the files now and i now replace the \r\n lines with the simple \n which will print as a “new line”.
I also an decoding the html entities now to ensure the
is displayed as just the & symbol (or any of the encoded items are displayed as their relative symbol). -
@Tom-Elliott said:
@Scott-B where are the \r\n lines doing? Or was this file edited/opened by Windows?
They show up in place of spaces after making a change and then going back into the menu item. I get the thing in the host description when doing an inventory extract as well. What I put into each of my added it menu items should show up below. Each one is their own menu choice item.
:sysrescue initrd http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/isos/systemrescuecd.iso chain memdisk iso raw || boot
:ultimate initrd http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/isos/ubcd535.iso chain memdisk iso raw || boot
:DBAN kernel ${boot_url}/fog/isos/dban/dban.bzi nuke="dwipe --autonuke" silent vga=785 boot
:Hirens initrd http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/isos/hirens.iso chain memdisk iso raw || boot
I saw it and fixed in in the current trunk.
@Tom-Elliott said:
I saw it and fixed in in the current trunk.
SVN: 5441
I get the login under the advanced menu, but it still just boots the first drive. Is my advanced login setup wrong somehow (I thought it was default)? Looks different to the one posted by @CLAUDE GIRARD in the link he posted.
login params param mac0 ${net0/mac} param arch ${arch} param username ${username} param password ${password} param advLog 1 isset ${net1/mac} && param mac1 ${net1/mac} || goto bootme isset ${net2/mac} && param mac2 ${net2/mac} || goto bootme
@Scott-B Advanced login requires you to login first. Try unchecking the advanced login checkbox and save, and see if that helps you out.
@Tom-Elliott said:
@Scott-B Advanced login requires you to login first. Try unchecking the advanced login checkbox and save, and see if that helps you out.
The advanced checkbox here? If so, still there.
@Scott-B Did you create your own advanced login custom meny?
I did not (knowingly) make a custome advanced menu login. I did make an entry for each ISO.
@Scott-B It’s becasue the link is set to All hosts for the “show with”.
Please change this back to “Advanced Login Required” and you should see the proper advanced menu work.
@Tom-Elliott said:
@Scott-B It’s becasue the link is set to All hosts for the “show with”.
Please change this back to “Advanced Login Required” and you should see the proper advanced menu work.
Same result.
@Scott-B What is the same result?
@Tom-Elliott said:
@Scott-B What is the same result?
After checking box for “Advanced Login Required” > saving > booting > choosing advanced menu with login > entering login > loads default.php and advanced.php > then just moves on to the local hard disk. If there is an error between loading advanced.php and booting the loca disk, I can’t see it.
@Scott-B right but you don’t have anything in the advanced items. There is the login and it is working fine. But the advanced menu is its own configuration setting that you put your needs in.
@Tom-Elliott said:
@Scott-B right but you don’t have anything in the advanced items. There is the login and it is working fine. But the advanced menu is its own configuration setting that you put your needs in.
Ah… okay. I thought that was just called from fog.advancedlogin.