Ubuntu 14.04 with FOG 1.2.0 Problems
Hi my name is Clifford Raymond and I work for a school district. We recently upgraded our FOG server from an old version of Ubuntu to 12.04 and FOG .32 to 1.2.0. The server was working but we were having some problems and then the server died. This then allowed us to update everything to the most recent recommendations so we created a fresh install with Ubuntu 14.04 and FOG 1.2.0. We are able to use FOG but we are encountering some problems. We could be encountering the problems because of the way we configured FOG but I am not sure. At the moment FOG registers device and see images loaded for those devices cannot be imaged. Each devices has a red circle with an exclamation point next to it and says “Connection Timed Out” as shown below.
The weird thing is FOG says they are all pinging.
Also we have setup a partition on the server where we can store all of our images but we are not able to get FOG to recognize the partition. We this message:
If anyone has a solution for these problems I would really appreciate the help.
A lot of things have changed since .32
Inside of Storage Management, you can configure your local storage node. You’d specify the path you want, etc. You also must specify a valid user/pass for FTP and this password - generally - must match up with two other passwords in FOG 1.2.0, here is an article piece on that: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Troubleshoot_FTP#Credentials_.2F_Passwords
As far as the connection timed out errors and the pings, that just means no reply was received when that computer’s name was pinged. You can turn off pinging in FOG Config -> FOG Settings, or you can fix your DNS and search domains so that the pings work. But, ping failures in no way inhibit imaging and the other processes of FOG. It’s just a convenience feature to let you know if clients are up or down.
@Wayne-Workman said:
Thank you for responding so quickly. I while trying to image the machine has a message stating "Mounting File System Failed. I assumed this was because of the connection timeout but I guess not. I saw another forum about that but the only solution I saw was downgrading the OS or upgrading to FOG Trunk. Is that still the only solution?
@Clifford-Raymond said:
@Wayne-Workman said:
Thank you for responding so quickly. I while trying to image the machine has a message stating "Mounting File System Failed. I assumed this was because of the connection timeout but I guess not. I saw another forum about that but the only solution I saw was downgrading the OS or upgrading to FOG Trunk. Is that still the only solution?
1.2.0 has known instabilities with Ubuntu 14.04 and 15.04. They are database related issues. If you were experiencing those problems, you would have a web UI crash about every 15 minutes or so… So I think you’re OK as far as that goes.
What are you trying to image? Win 7, Win 8? 8.1? Also, we need to know, exactly, what the error says. A photo of the error would be great, a short video uploaded to YouTube is even better.
At the moment we are trying to image a Win 7 machine. Here is a pic:
@Clifford-Raymond Look at that line…
Mount: mounting on /images faild: permission denied.you should start right there.
Is that where your images directory actually is? /media/fog/images/images that’s very confusing.
Go into Storage Management -> Your storage node & look at the image path. The image path should exactly match where the actual image directory is. I’d get rid of the /images/images thing because that’s very confusing.
After changing this, you might want to look at your NFS exports file to confirm it matches. that’s here: /etc/exports
You also need to have 777 permissions set on the /images directory recursively for troubleshooting purposes.
This article talks all about that stuff: https://wiki.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Troubleshoot_NFS