Images being replicated without being associated with the group
@Hanz Look at your image group assignment…
Image Management -> Problem image -> Storage Group
The image replicates to all groups it’s assigned to.
[07-09-15 9:06:54 am] * Ramage - SubProcess -> Mirroring directory `6510bFeb15’
Office is my server/storage node/group…as you can see the 6510b image should not be going to RAMAGE or anywhere else actually…it is going to every node.
@Hanz said:
as you can see the 6510b image should not be going to RAMAGE or anywhere else actually…it is going to every node.
No offence intended, but I can’t see anything. The info you’ve posted isn’t enough for me to know what’s supposed to happen…
We need screenshots of your storage node list, your location list, and the storage group assignment of the 6510bFeb15 image to know what’s supposed to happen.
If you get us some screen shots, we can be of much more assistance to you.
No offense taken…heck I’m happy to finally have a place to get help (I’ve basically worked through every other issue by myself.)
The link I posted is the screen shot of Image management for 6510b (the pertinent info is all the way at the bottom). It shows the image only being assigned to the Office group.
The text is part of log file in Image Replication stating that Ramage is mirroring directory of 6510b image.
This just started yesterday, and my storage nodes have limited storage, so I can’t keep every image on each node which is why they are all seperated into groups with one master node per group.
@Hanz Can you take an actual screenshot though? instead of saving the web page?
You can upload image files into the forum using the little upload symbol.
Here’s an example:
image Management.pdf
Log viewer.pdfEach node (other than office which should hold all images) have only 4-5 images assigned to them, yet they are being replicated.
@Hanz Can you get a screenshot of your Storage Management -> All storage nodes list?
@Tom-Elliott , Ideas? Everything looks good to me.
Bumping this because it’s pretty concerning…
@Hanz Please check your messages, I left a few for you.