Downloading and uploading images stops every 5%
Details, details, details…
What version of FOG? (Specifically from the Cloud Logo on your system)
What kernel are you using?
I’ve seen these symptoms before, but I’ve not seen them for a long time.
I’m using fog 1.2.0
Kernel: 3.4.90I’m pretty new to this, so if you need more info, please do ask
The kernel I refer to is the one on your fog server, (the one the clients boot to).
My guess, based on 1.2.0 is you haven’t downloaded any custom kernels. Most likely, you’re using 3.14.2.
My guess as to the problem you’re seeing is in part due to the Hardware your fog server is running on.
While it will “work” the speed for upload may be noticable during the “gaps” where the client has to compress the image, to when it passes the now compressed data back up to the server.
What may be of interest is maybe trying to run on SVN. There is a significant increase in speed between the init’s for upload and download. By significant, I think anybody on the forums running the current “trunk” version of fog can vouch for it.
When I’m uploading using a 32-Core 28 GB RAM Server with 2Gbps network connection, it does the same for me.
This is normal.
If you want faster upload speeds, upgrade to Trunk.
I recommend using this method to upgrade to FOG Trunk: like Tom said:
@Tom-Elliott said:
What may be of interest is maybe trying to run on SVN. There is a significant increase in speed between the init’s for upload and download. By significant, I think anybody on the forums running the current “trunk” version of fog can vouch for it.
Hey thanks for your input. The weird thing is however, that a friend of mine is running on exactly the same hardware, not running on SVN and it runs just fine.
I will try it tomorrow and let you know if it helped!
Thanks in advance!
@Woeler said:
Hey thanks for your input. The weird thing is however, that a friend of mine is running on exactly the same hardware, not running on SVN and it runs just fine.
Compression happens on the client, not the server…
If your friend has a faster client, it’d perform better.
Could the problem be that I’m making an image of a 30gb SSD that is almost full? And with almost full I mean with like a gig left?
30 gig is not a large image. Free space shouldn’t be an issue, either. Did you choose “resizeable” ?
If you don’t like how long it’s taking, you could turn down the compression… Default for 1.2.0 is set to 9… and that’s the max… and it’s really slow. I’d recommend 6.
Thanks, but where do I find this particular setting?
For 1.2.0 The compression settings for images is located here:
FOG Configuration -> FOG Settings -> FOG Boot Settings -> FOG_PIGZ_COMP
Wow just realized that I edited your post instead of replying… long day…
You will get FAR better performance if you install a Linux SERVER distro into your banana pie, and use FOG Trunk instead of 1.2.0.
I recommend Fedora 22 Server and this method of getting FOG Trunk: