FOG 1.1.2 + FreeNAS 9.1.1 = Failed NFS
Does your freenas have /images /data/images /Volume1/data/images AND /mnt/Volume1/data/images?
You can only share one mount point at a time. If they all reference the same point, they will not work.
I’d recommend commenting or removing the
/Volume1/data/images/devSet up the FOG GUI to look at /mnt/Volume1/data/images and all shoudl start working.
You’re right. I have follow this tuto: [url][/url] and i have thought in my case, I should add all paths.
I delete it.[B][U]TEST[/U]:[/B]
[U]/etc/exports -> OK[/U]
[IMG][/IMG][U]Path -> OK[/U]
[IMG][/IMG][U]Upload client -> Not[/U]
Did you restart the nfs server so it reloads the exports?
Normally this can be done with [code]exportfs -a[/code]
However if this isn’t available to you, it may be needed of something like:
[code]service nfs restart[/code]Or [code]service mountd restart[/code]
Does it still give you the bad exports list statement?
All it’s ok after restartWhen i look the log of my FreeNAS:
Do me a favor and for now remove the ip from the exports lines and restart mounts. Does it work then?
Doesn’t work. I have the same error.
[IMG][/IMG]Last line. is my client how i want upload.
Maybe my mistake did not come from my FreeNAS…Everything looks ok for the configuration.
When you access the system via a mount point or anything does it auto specify as /Volume1/data/images?
FTP with root, i am directly “/”. In anonymous: “/mnt/Volume1/data/images”
SSH with root, “/root”If i add NFS share, i can put the path “/mnt/Volume1/data/images” but the data in “/etc/exports” will be changed. So i desable it.
If i add NFS share, look the “/etc/exports”
[IMG][/IMG]If i edit this file with the good config "*(ro, ,sync…), i have the same error.
OMFG !!!
1 week I’m on the same problem, and it works finally! I can upload a client on my FreeNAS !!!
The upload is not finished, I will tell you my work when everything will be perfect (upload/download)
Ok. So the upload are finish but my images is on “/dev/@MAC” and not /images/name".
[IMG][/IMG]I find maybe a solution: [url][/url]
I will test this solution. If i understand, it’s a FTP or TFTP (FTP for my FreeNAS) that moves the image from “/dev/@MAC” there to"/images/NameImage".
As we can see, my Fog Server ( connects to my FreeNAS (ROOT FTP login successful /User root login successful) but can’t copy…
Root have all the permission:
[IMG][/IMG] -
I test the cmd on my FreeNAS
chown -R fog:wheel /mnt/Volume1/data/images
(Wheel is the group of my root)
EDIT: Doesn’t Work…FOGFTP: Failet to rename file…
Go to your storage node settings, ensure the username and password in there are correct.
If they are, reset your fog user’s password, then reset the storage node’s password.
If that doesn’t work, then try to change the owner of /images (recursively) to fog, and set permissions to 777, then try again?
The username/password of my FreeNAS must be correct compare which user? FOG_TFTP_FTP_USERNAME/PASSWORD ?
I do the upload in my Storage Management with the user “root” of my FreeNAS.
There are too many users, I am lost ! -
If you’re doing the Storage Management with the “root” user of FreeNAS, make sure the information the Storage Node has is correct.
This has NOTHING to do with FOG_TFTP_FTP_USERNAME/PASSWORD. That field is reserved almost entirely for the kernel downloading.
I have change now. I create a user Free/Free, change NFS, permission, etc.
On my page management, storage node, i put this user. But same problem…[IMG][/IMG]
[IMG][/IMG] -
What does this command output?
On the Free NAS:
[CODE]ls -laR /mnt/Volume1/data/images[/CODE] -
So when you enter FTP to the free nas box from the Ubuntu server do you access the NFS share /Volume1/data/images or /mnt/Volume1/data/images?
It’s “/mnt/Volume1/data/images”
[IMG][/IMG] -
You didn’t cd into the directory?