FOG 1.1.2 + FreeNAS 9.1.1 = Failed NFS
Try to reload your exportfs instead reboot your NAS (to determine if it’s a bug on your FreeNas install), I think the command is :
[CODE]exportfs -r[/CODE]Regards,
Ch3i -
exportfs: Command not found…
FOG STORAGE > poop > Justin Bieber> FreeNAS.
[quote=“Slowave, post: 45705, member: 29028”]exportfs: Command not found…
FOG STORAGE > poop > Justin Bieber> FreeNAS.[/quote]
Ooops it’s freebsd based… try :
[CODE]service mountd reload[/CODE]
Ch3i. -
This cmd works
I have to leave my office so i will test with the good file “exports” monday.
See you later and thank you for your help !
[quote=“Slowave, post: 45711, member: 29028”]This cmd works
I have to leave my office so i will test with the good file “exports” monday.
See you later and thank you for your help ! :)[/quote]
Have a good Week-end
Ch3i -
After “service mountd reload”, i have:
“Bad exports list line”
[QUOTE]Bad exports list line /images
Bad exports list line /images/dev
Bad exports list line /data/images
Bad exports list line /data/images/dev
Bad exports list line /Volume1/data/images
Bad exports list line /Volume1/data/images/dev
Bad exports list line /mnt/Volume1/data/images
Bad exports list line /mnt/Volume1/data/images/dev [/QUOTE][IMG][/IMG]
When i restart the “NFS service” FreeNAS, The file is deleted.
I have not the error when i replace “" by "192.168.56.”.
Service mountd restart
->Stopping mountd
->Starting mountd[IMG][/IMG]
But when i upload i always the same error: permission denied.
I change the id and password for the storage management by root/admin. The permission also in my Freenas for /mnt/Vol… (root 777). Same error.I put exactly the same permission on my storage node FOG and my Freenas on the folder/file.
Storage node up client -> ok.
Freenas up client -> Permission denied. -
So your images volume has the .mntcheck and dev/.mntcheck files?
Yes i have.
[IMG][/IMG]I have never create the file “.mnt”. I don’t know if i can delete it.
[IMG][/IMG] -
So what is in your exports file? Normally this is located in /etc/exports
Fog server, freeNAS and client are in the network
Does your freenas have /images /data/images /Volume1/data/images AND /mnt/Volume1/data/images?
You can only share one mount point at a time. If they all reference the same point, they will not work.
I’d recommend commenting or removing the
/Volume1/data/images/devSet up the FOG GUI to look at /mnt/Volume1/data/images and all shoudl start working.
You’re right. I have follow this tuto: [url][/url] and i have thought in my case, I should add all paths.
I delete it.[B][U]TEST[/U]:[/B]
[U]/etc/exports -> OK[/U]
[IMG][/IMG][U]Path -> OK[/U]
[IMG][/IMG][U]Upload client -> Not[/U]
Did you restart the nfs server so it reloads the exports?
Normally this can be done with [code]exportfs -a[/code]
However if this isn’t available to you, it may be needed of something like:
[code]service nfs restart[/code]Or [code]service mountd restart[/code]
Does it still give you the bad exports list statement?
All it’s ok after restartWhen i look the log of my FreeNAS:
Do me a favor and for now remove the ip from the exports lines and restart mounts. Does it work then?
Doesn’t work. I have the same error.
[IMG][/IMG]Last line. is my client how i want upload.
Maybe my mistake did not come from my FreeNAS…Everything looks ok for the configuration.
When you access the system via a mount point or anything does it auto specify as /Volume1/data/images?
FTP with root, i am directly “/”. In anonymous: “/mnt/Volume1/data/images”
SSH with root, “/root”If i add NFS share, i can put the path “/mnt/Volume1/data/images” but the data in “/etc/exports” will be changed. So i desable it.
If i add NFS share, look the “/etc/exports”
[IMG][/IMG]If i edit this file with the good config "*(ro, ,sync…), i have the same error.
OMFG !!!
1 week I’m on the same problem, and it works finally! I can upload a client on my FreeNAS !!!
The upload is not finished, I will tell you my work when everything will be perfect (upload/download)