Sysprep Windows 7 Computer Name
Hi everyone,
I’m getting back into making more images in preparation for our summer re-imaging and want to revisit something I wasn’t successful with last year.I have an answer file that does 99% of what I want, but one thing I’ve never been able to get to work correctly is the computer name. At this point, imaging is a hands-off process except for one step - after imaging is complete, I have to click Next at the screen that says please enter a name for your computer. I leave the default name of PC filled in because the fog client changes it later, but still, it’s one step I would love to eliminate.
I attached the unattend file I’m currently using, any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I use:
<component name=“Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup” processorArchitecture=“x86” publicKeyToken=“31bf3856ad364e35” language=“neutral” versionScope=“nonSxS” xmlns:wcm=“” xmlns:xsi=“”>
This causes the machine to generate a name for itself based off the RegisteredOwner criteria. Then I let FOG rename the machine.I see where you included the <computername> but in my experience, without a registered owner the naming process fails
I used AutoBVT (Only because when I set up my unattend.xml I used the windows AIK to do so, and it was the default) as the RegisteredOwner and each of my machines started with AutoBVT-(Random Sequence) and then FOG renamed them appropriately.
Hope this helps.
Same here; except my computer names start with lab-xxxxx
Works like a charm!