Problem changing the upload directory
I installed ver 1.2.0.
I’m trying to change the upload directory from /images to something else due to disk space issues.
I tried changing Config.class.php and the storage configuration in the GUI.
They didn’t seem to have any effect.
When the client does the upload process, it write to the original /images/dev/nnnnn location.
Any ideas?
Thanks -
Check your /etc/exports file and when you make changes and save the /etc/exports, restart the nfs server per your system requirements.
The new location exports ok.
The problem appears to be that the upload location is hard coded.
I sent a debug task to the pc and then looked at fog.upload.
It looked like it had /images hardcoded.
Did I read that right?
Is that used during a real upload?
Thanks for the response!! -
the /images location that is hardcoded in fog.upload is just the name of where it has mounted the storage location to in fog.checkin