Deploy dual boot image W7/Ubuntu
Upload - Debug mode? What is it?
no problem appears with Debug mode
Are you in debug mode now? It’s not going to show problems.
What I need you to do is find out if your disk still has GPT structures on it.
You can do this by running the command:
[code]gdisk -l /dev/sda[/code]
Report the output of that command here if possible.
Thank you,
ok, this is the output
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1539_Windows 7 test.png?:”]Windows 7 test.png[/url]
I don’t know how fix it…
Anybody else?:(
have you tried reuploading the image again?
Yes, this is the output of deploy
But the task no executed
that’s a download, not an upload
No problem with upload.
yes, but did you try uploading again after running [FONT=Consolas]gdisk -l /dev/sda [/FONT]?
Ok I try upload
This is output of [FONT=Consolas][I]gdisk -l /dev/sda[/I] before uploading.[/FONT]
Hello i have the same problem. Do you find an issue? My computer is a Dell Precision T3600
Thanks for help.
p.s: sorry for my approximative english.
The problem was the extended partition if you have a dual boot.