PXE issues?
[INDENT]The firewall is disabled and I can successfully transfer the file via TFTP on my windows machine. Rights to tftpboot folder show: Owner=1002 (a user created as part of the installation?), Group=root and Others=Access Files. Not sure how to adjust that, but I made sure the rights to the images folder look OK (owner is root). Even tried a subfolder in images with ‘create and delete’ rights for all users even though I’m not getting that far in the process. Thank you for the help, Tom![/INDENT]
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[quote=“Barbara Howard, post: 39252, member: 27181”]
[INDENT=1]The firewall is disabled and I can successfully transfer the file via TFTP on my windows machine. Rights to tftpboot folder show: Owner=1002 (a user created as part of the installation?), Group=root and Others=Access Files. Not sure how to adjust that, but I made sure the rights to the images folder look OK (owner is root). Even tried a subfolder in images with ‘create and delete’ rights for all users even though I’m not getting that far in the process. Thank you for the help, Tom![/INDENT]
[/quote]Did you set up DNSMasq again?
Tried to install dnsmasq and it threw an error about dnsmasq-base being an unmet dependency. This sure is making me nervous though I do appreciate the advice.
which version of 12.04 did you install, 12.04.1LTS? 12.04.4 LTS? 12.04.5LTS?
It just says 12.04 LTS. I have not done the 81 updates that are available. I did try to do this: chmod -R 777 /tftpboot and got ‘operation not permitted’. This folder is owned by mystery user #1002 which does not show up in my user list. I have not been able to get dnsmasq set up because each roadblock requires study on my part.
try [code]
sudo chmod -R 0777 /tftpboot
[/code]Your user may not have the required privileges to chmod that folder without sudo.
I only ask so I can download a version and try to replicate your issues.
It still surprises me that my user account is an Administrator, but I’m still not Queen of the Ubuntu castle. Mercy, I’ve made no progress today … my new boss must be totally impressed with the new Tech Lady.
[quote=“Jaymes Driver, post: 34020, member: 3582”]You could always try DNSMasq to proxy serve your bootfile and server, sometimes this can alleviate issues with finding the correct files.
I was having the same error and I tried the above link now I get the new menu screen but it just constatly flashes that screen and noting else.
I just went back to .32 it works with no extra troubleshooting.
[quote=“John VanHoose, post: 39534, member: 4156”]I just went back to .32 it works with no extra troubleshooting.[/quote]
It’s tempting, John, but I’m not giving up just yet.