Some Troubleshooting Tips
While testing FOG at my institution, we ran into quite a few problems. Many of them turned out to be relatively simple such as the dhcp server not running. Others were not as obvious, such as those related to NFS. This community, in particular Tom Elliot, were extremely helpful. Therefore I have written down everything I learned during install and included it as an attachment. Please note that this guide is not comprehensive and primarily concerns issues during set up and testing as my institution has not gone to production yet due to time constraints. Feel free to add to it or suggest additions. My only request is that you include an attribution to the original author (myself) if you choose to share it. Also note that I am relatively new to FOG and IT in general and do not claim an expert level of knowledge of either.
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/564_Troubleshooting FOG.txt?:”]Troubleshooting FOG.txt[/url]
After upgrading to Fog 1.2.0, I have update my troubleshooting guide. We did not do a straight upgrade, but rather migrated to a new server entirely, reinstalled FOG, and moved the images over. That process is covered elsewhere so I did not include it. As with the previous version you are free to add to it or share it as long as you include proper attribution.
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1367_Troubleshooting FOG 1-2.txt?:”]Troubleshooting FOG 1-2.txt[/url]
but if you’d like to contribute there is an official wiki that badly needs attention. just ask for credentials in this thread [url][/url]