Image won't deploy
Some of the issue you’re seeing Jonathan: As I finally had a minute to read through some of the posts in this thread. Your issue is not “exactly” the same as the contents of this particular thread unless Both Albatros and Bruce are having the same issue with the upload not working due to them having NAS stations to work with.
There are some known limitations using external NAS systems to perform the image upload. First is that it seams NAS’s don’t like to use direct path FTP systems. The FTP system, when connected, links you to a specified Home folder of the user logging in. So the local FOG user on your NAS machine might have a default home location of:
/array1/images Where your actual path connects through /mnt/array1/images.Why is this an issue?
Because when FOG attempts to FTP the contents of the folder from: /mnt/array1/images/dev, the actual path doesn’t exist during the FTP process on the LAN.
So when it tries to FTP the file from:
/mnt/array1/images/dev/<macfoldername> /mnt/array1/images/<imagepathname> Things “succeed” as neither folder or path technically exist according to the FTP. It’s all too easy to rename/move folders that don’t exist in the linux world. It simply fails successfully which makes fog think it’s succeeded in general. This would explain why you’re not seeing any issues in the imaging process and the task appears to complete perfectly fine.In the NAS’s eye’s, when FTP connects, /mnt/ doesn’t even exist. And seeing as /mnt/array1/images is being called, nothing can actually happen.
How to fix? I haven’t yet figured out a nice method. You would probably have more luck if you looked up the NAS’s FTP functions to find out how to keep FTP from jailing you to a specified Home folder. NFS works perfectly, but FTP fails miserably. I don’t know how else to explain it.
This post is deleted! -
Wow … many thank’s for the answer. I think i understand what happen … tell me if i’m right :
- for the upload task, it’s the NFS protocol who is used : no problem with path, direct path …
- for the download task, it’s the FTP protocol who is used … :
–> when I connect to the server by FTP (with traditionnal client like fileZilla), i see /array1/images
–> when I connect to the server by SSH, i see [B]/mnt/[/B]array1/images
–> when I declare the NAS into the Storage Management of WebIU, i need to write the full path, /mnt/array1/images
but …
–> when FOG run a download task, it’s used the fog user on the NAS and seen only /array1/images … and it’s fail.
It’s right ?
If it’s right, i have some ideas :
- used /mnt/array1/images into the FOG Storage Management for upload task
- move by a classic client ftp to the right folder (/array1/dev/@MAC --> /array1/<image_name>
- Change the NAS declaration to /array1/images
- try a Download Task on clients …
It’s not very clean but maybe it will work …
[quote=“Jonathan Cool, post: 36302, member: 24834”]Wow … many thank’s for the answer. I think i understand what happen … tell me if i’m right :
- for the upload task, it’s the NFS protocol who is used : no problem with path, direct path …
- for the download task, it’s the FTP protocol who is used … :
–> when I connect to the server by FTP (with traditionnal client like fileZilla), i see /array1/images
–> when I connect to the server by SSH, i see [B]/mnt/[/B]array1/images
–> when I declare the NAS into the Storage Management of WebIU, i need to write the full path, /mnt/array1/images
but …
–> when FOG run a download task, it’s used the fog user on the NAS and seen only /array1/images … and it’s fail.
It’s right ?
If it’s right, i have some ideas :
- used /mnt/array1/images into the FOG Storage Management for upload task
- move by a classic client ftp to the right folder (/array1/dev/@MAC --> /array1/<image_name>
- Change the NAS declaration to /array1/images
- try a Download Task on clients …
It’s not very clean but maybe it will work …[/quote]
Sort of.
Creating a download task is failing to me trying to help make FOG a slight bit more friendly.
It’s not failing because of the NFS/FTP share directly on the creation of a download task, but rather because the FTP call to check if the folder exists isn’t linking to the proper folder.
Yes … now i understand. FTP is only used to check if the image path exist … but for upload and download, NFS is used.
Maybe, we can bypass the FTP check … or create a symbolic link on the NAS … i will try some ideas and post my results her. -
I think the symbolic link would work best. On the nas, symbolic link /mnt/array1 to /array1 just for fun?
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 36306, member: 7271”]I think the symbolic link would work best. On the nas, symbolic link /mnt/array1 to /array1 just for fun?[/quote]
This symbolic link not work. I’m trying some others ! -
I have an other idea : mount the NAS by /etc/fstab directly on the server (on /images_NAS for example).
After that, maybe it’s will be good … -
I’m back with bad news …
i have try to mount the NAS directly on the FOG server by /etc/fstab.
[U]/etc/fstab[/U] :
[CODE] /mnt/images_NAS nfs auto,rw,dev,exec,nfsvers=3 0 0[/CODE][U]ls -la on FOG server /mnt[/U] :
[CODE]drwxrwxrwx 3 1002 root 32 oct. 9 2018 images_NAS : 1002 = fog user on NAS[/CODE]it’s the same rights for .mntcheck, …/dev and …/dev/.mntcheck
[U]ls -la /mnt/array1 on the NAS[/U]:
[CODE]drwxrwxrwx 3 fog root 32 Oct 9 23:48 images[/CODE]Exactly the same rights for the subfolders and the .mntcheck files
With fog user on FOG server, i [I]can[/I] “touch test” on /mnt/images_NAS and /mnt/images_NAS/dev.
When i try an upload task, i have this message :
[CODE]mounting on /images failed : Permission denied[/CODE]I know this message said but i dont’ understand why it appears because, i think, the rights on FOG server AND on the NAS are good … (fog:root -R, chmod 777 …)
I think, it’s a nfs share issue … FOG can’t export an NFS share …
With Clonezilla DRBL, there was a similar problem. The solution is unfs3.
Does FOG support unfs3 shares ? -
You’re correct, you cannot nfs share an nfs shared folder. Not properly at least.
The way I’ve gotten around this in the past is with glusterfs on the “shared” part, and glusterfs mounting that share. Then NFS worked okay.
I haven’t played with unfs3, but I think the unfs3 would work for your situation, though I don’t know exactly how to share it.
I’m trying unfs3.
Upload an windows 7 image in progress !!
I will post results after an upload / download with different OS (7, XP, Linux).[U]Edit[/U] : rate : 75Mb/min … outch !
Hi !
A first feedback :
Upload an Windows 7 image : it’s works with unfs3 but …- it’s very very slow : average rate : 70 Mb / min ! 5 hours for an upload ! (size : ~24Gb)
- i need to move the image into …/dev/@mac to …/images_FOG by FTP and i dont understand why this time.
Download : work in progress. The task is in progress ! Average rate : 1Gb / min.
The download task finally works with Windows7 and Optiplex7010 !
I’m very happy. i’m testing with an other hadware model : HP2530p.But, can you explain me why i always need to move the files …/dev/@Mac to …/<image name> ? It’s the same FTP problem ? In this time, i mount the NAS with /etc/fstab … The FTP user of NAS is required with this method ?
Edit : another incomprehension : with NAS declared on FOG Interface, download task works with Windows XP, Linux but not with Seven.
[U]The FTP check is only[/U] with Windows 7 when a download task is programed ? -
It, currently, on checks for Windows 7 and Windows 8, yes.
Many thanks for your help Tom.
Now, i have understood many things about FOG server and NAS … -
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 36293, member: 7271”]
In the NAS’s eye’s, when FTP connects, /mnt/ doesn’t even exist. And seeing as /mnt/array1/images is being called, nothing can actually happen.How to fix? I haven’t yet figured out a nice method. You would probably have more luck if you looked up the NAS’s FTP functions to find out how to keep FTP from jailing you to a specified Home folder. NFS works perfectly, but FTP fails miserably. I don’t know how else to explain it.[/quote]
I found an other good solution without use unfs3 (very slow) and no use /etc/fstab of FOG.
Just modify the FOG Home Folder on NAS … like you said. On the NAS (you [U]need[/U] ssh access), edit the /etc/passwd … :[CODE]
nobody99:99:Linux User,:/home:/bin/sh
On FOG Storage Management :
IP Adress : NAS IP
Path : mnt/array1/images
Done !
[U]Edit[/U] : i’m not sur if it’s really works. Test is in progress … caution !
[U]Edit2[/U] : it’s finally works with the /etc/passwd modification.
Steps :- SSH access on the NAS
- modify the /etc/passwd for the fog user on the NASif it’s needed
- declare the NAS on the storage management
- run an upload Win7 task
- run an download Win7 task
- be happy :]
Hm, it’s not work at 100% … it’s strange …
Explications :- Upload an win7 image on the NAS : OK (after to move the files …/dev/@Mac to …/<image name>)
- Download task :
-> if i choose the menu : Host Management, <host name>, Basic Taks, Download : “Download task failed to create for …”
-> IF i choose the menu : Task Management, List All Hosts (or Groups), click on “Download” on the client computer : the task is created … and the deploy works perfectly !
It’s not a major problem because, now, i can use my NAS with FOG with this trick but i don’t understand what’s happen …
up ! :eek: