Bandwidth GUI and Multiple LAN Connections
eth0 is the interface set… everywhere I can think to look. eth1 is also linked, but I never specifically set any Fog related services to touch that interface.
i have a familar problem, defaultmember will always show used slots and throughput but this does not work for additional storage nodes (S) for me both used slot and throughput is 0, graphs are drawn but left empty.
I don’t have multiple nic’s, as it works for default node this must be some sort of missconfiguration or bug.
I am acutally on SVN 2120
Regards X23
I know of the issue, but not how to fix the issue.
I think this is because the GUI needs access to the direct netdev. If the nodes are the ones being connected to, there’s no simple way to get the network bandwidth data of that system. Though I am working to recode that particular page in the near future to correct this, it’s going to be a low priority issue for right now.
just my 50 cent but isn’t there a way to place a php file on running apache on a storage node (S) that can be polled by the main server?
Do you talk about both problems? Used Slots and througput? I am asking because i will not understand why slot usage should no work without direct netdev access.Regards X23
There already is a file that does it, but it’s all due to the interface it’s trying to access, doesn’t get sent properly, hence why I want to rewrite the file to work similar to how the freespace.php file works to get the disk space now.
ok understood
i’ve edited my post above, will this also fix the slot usage?
Will the missing slot usage really cause that more slots can be used or are they just not shown?Regards
It should show the number of slots of the combined amount of nodes within the group you’re working on. I imagine the reason you’re seeing zero slots is because the number of maxclients for the node within the group is set to 0?
no i have 3 storage group, default, second and third.
Each group has one storage node, default (fog main 50gb) and a storage node (s) with 2x 1TB Raid /images and /images2.If i use (to test) the defaultmember it shows used slot and throughput.
If i use one of the 1TB nodes it doesn’t show used slot and throughput.Every Storagegroup or at least every containing node has its default 10 slot’s, dashboard is showing 30 slots in summary.
Wait i will post some pictures!Regards X23
Default (defaultmember)
[IMG][/IMG]Additional Storage Node 1 in own Group:
[IMG][/IMG]Additional Storage Node 2 in own Group:
[IMG][/IMG]Storage Groups:
[IMG][/IMG]Storage Nodes:
[IMG][/IMG]Regards X23
Maybe in the near future I can get it so when you change the storage node to another storage group that updates the graphs appropriately but my knowledge’s wrath like it’s displayed four of the maximum number of clients is always the first one is fine