Could not boot: Exec format error (
we have put in place a server FOG’, in order to test FOG on another site ( Datacenter has toward the Datacenter B ) , we want to used IPXE everything works well in local , but when we want uses the remote server we get following error ( here is the screen capture )
Can you tell me , or may come from error?
Thank You
it looks like you’re trying to network boot using an ipxe boot disk that doesn’t contain all the needed components compiled into the fog version of ipxe
You are right, I compiled an iso for boot on a waiter(server) pxe distant, I used the following tutoriel:
http: /
you have a solution ?
i recommend creating a boot disk using the ipxe files included with fog.
Ok thank you very much , i’m try it
I have to try but that does not walk(work) I obtain another error, to see the arrest screen.
I took the file default.ipxe to compile my image iso with the files of FOG, but that does not walk(work)…
try the ipxe files from the svn trunk
Ok i m try thank you
Good evening, I have to try this method but unsuccessfully it is a real pity which we can begun(primed) on an other one networks with an image iso for example:
Waiter(Server) TFTP:
Deploy post: is a real pity because I would be forced to resume(to take back) Acronis I found that FOG be a good solution.
It is a pity this work is not integrated(joined).
Otherwise if you have solution I am interested!
are the ipxe files in the svn trunk giving you the same error, or a different error. if you need to use a boot disk instead of pxe booting, then perhaps chainloading ipxe with grub would work for you
I do not know any more how BOOT my ISO about the server FOG