Changes to UDP-SENDER
I have tweaked the file lib/fog/MulticastTask.class.php, changing from the Client Count to 2 the mínimum receivers (just in case there’s a broken PC) and I have set a mínimum wait of 300 seconds.
I have changed the several lines to look like this
$cmd .= ‘cat "’.$path.‘"|’.UDPSENDERPATH.’ --min-wait 300 --min-receivers 2 --portbase ‘.$this->getPortBase().’ ‘.$interface.’ ‘.$wait.’ --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd;';
but when I launch the multicast task, it is not applying the change, taking the new parameters.In the multicast.log file you can see
[06-26-14 12:48:14 pm] CMD: cat “/images/Windows7x64Limpia/rec.img.000”|/usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --min-receivers 13 --portbase 63494 --interface eth0 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd;cat “/images/Windows7x64Limpia/sys.img.000”|/usr/local/sbin/udp-sender --min-receivers 13 --portbase 63494 --interface eth0 --full-duplex --ttl 32 --nokbd;
[/CODE]Is it there any other place where I should change that ?
Did you restart the service after making changes?
sudo /etc/init.d/FOGMulticastManager restart[/code] -
That was it! … I forgot to restart the service.
Just remember, any changes you make to have “service” controlled files is just loading a cached version of the needed files at service start time. It has no clue about any changes until after a restart. I wish I could make it work without having to restart, but at least we know how to fix it when you edit these files.