Database Schema Installer / Updater 1.1.1 never finish
I have the appache2 error log but the darn file is to big to post.
we’ll only need the tail end of it
sudo tail -100f /var/log/apache2/error.log -
the address I see again and again is my desktop I am at running putty from to manage the umputu server.
The things I’m seeing from the log from [b]Ubuntu[/b] are indicative that you’re running an svn version of FOG? Does this sound correct? In the Cloud from the FOG Logo what numbers are on the right side?
FOG 1.1.1
Umbutu 14.04
Sorry not sure what svn means -
Well, you’re in luck.
I’m going to recommend you to use it.
[code]svn co
cd trunk/bin
sudo ./[/code] -
Cool done this is their anything more I need to change?
You shouldn’t need to change anything, just check your schema and see if you can now login to FOG. Also maybe you can actually get to booting clients.
I can still log into the Fog web interface bot no change on the desktop side, still have the same error I see it gets an address from my DHCP server no problem but then tell me it cant start the download operation not supported.
I upgraded fromFOG 1.1.1 -> FOG svn 1910 and got same problem, Updater never finish.
Installation stopped on Database Schema Installer / UpdaterServer reboot did not help it goes to Database Schema Installer / Updater again…
Running Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTSAfter that I installed FOG 1.1.1 ant thet installation went trough.