Boot Loop issue
Yes…it connects to the fog server…goes through its dance…and then where it would normally show the Fog menu…it just restarts.
If I can provide any logs or anything…just let me know…and explain how to find them. If you want to showmypc or something similar to take a look…I’m more than willing to accommodate.
do me a favor if you’re comfortable with command lline?[code]mysql -u root [-p’ONLY IF YOU SET PASSWORD REMOVE SQUARE BRACKETS HERE IS WHERE THE PASSWORD WOULD GO’] fog
select * from hosts WHERE hostID=‘0’;[/code]Does anything return?
I didn’t set a PW…so just typing in mysql -u root here is the output
it@ET11FogServer:~$ mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2750
Server version: 5.5.37-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (Ubuntu)Copyright
2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
owners.Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.
From that mysql> prompt
[code]select * from hosts WHERE hostID=‘0’;[/code] -
I’m not sure this is right…I copied and pasted and got this…did you want me to change something?
-> mysql> -> select * from hosts WHERE hostID='0';
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘.
Your MySQL connection id is 2750
Server version: 5.5.37-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (Ubun’ at line 1
mysql> -
I don’t want you changing anything.
[code]use fog;
select * from hosts where hostID=‘0’;[/code] -
Incase this helps
-> use fog;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to’ at line 1
mysql> select * from hosts where hostID=‘0’;
ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected
mysql> use fog;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> select * from hosts where hostID=‘0’;
Empty set (0.01 sec)
mysql> -
If you can pause on second 0:29
Message is 040ee119. It actually makes sense since there is an abnormally long wait time to even get the initial PXE DHCP time.
SO…how do I fix it? And remember…it works just fine for my 3020’s
Are the 3010’s behind a different switch?
If you place a 3020 AND a 3010 side by side to each other on the same switch do things work?
I am also getting a VERY similar Boot Loop. Brand new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Box with Fog 1.1.1. I’ pulled a multi-part image of a Win7 Dell Latitude E6410 notebook. After pushing the image back to the notebook I get a similar loop, I get the DHCP successfully, I actually get to the Fog Menu (Mine went much quicker than the Youtube vid) Once the Fog Menu times out in 3 seconds it is suppose to boot from Hard Drive, but instead I get a blank screen with a blinking cursor in the upper left corner, for tens seconds, then it reboots.
Temporary solution is to Go into BIOS and take NIC out of Boot sequence, then it boots to hard drive and WIN7 works fine. Maybe this second data point can help TOm converge on a solution. I’m thinking it is a BIOS setting that needs tweaked.
[quote=“Fisherfog, post: 30727, member: 3511”]I am also getting a VERY similar Boot Loop. Brand new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Box with Fog 1.1.1. I’ pulled a multi-part image of a Win7 Dell Latitude E6410 notebook. After pushing the image back to the notebook I get a similar loop, I get the DHCP successfully, I actually get to the Fog Menu (Mine went much quicker than the Youtube vid) Once the Fog Menu times out in 3 seconds it is suppose to boot from Hard Drive, but instead I get a blank screen with a blinking cursor in the upper left corner, for tens seconds, then it reboots.
Temporary solution is to Go into BIOS and take NIC out of Boot sequence, then it boots to hard drive and WIN7 works fine. Maybe this second data point can help TOm converge on a solution. I’m thinking it is a BIOS setting that needs tweaked.[/quote]
For your issue, I’d recommend looking at the boot exit type on fog settings. It sounds like it doesn’t like sanboot style, try grub or exit styles and see if your systems boot better.
Changing the Boot Exit Type settings to GRUB worked Great!. Also, your new layout for Fog Settings is a great improvement, thanks to who ever worked on that part.
SCott -
Sorry for the delay, I got sidetracked with another project.
After some testing…I’m just scratching my head on this one. Please help.
My environment.
Fog 1.1.1 hosted on Dell 3010 / Ubuntu 14.04
Cisco 2950 Switches In my cold room
85 Dell 3010’s
5 Dell 3020’sHere is what is confusing me.
When I boot a 3010 on the floor, it reaches the fog server, downloads the config, and then times out.
The video above shows what is happening. At the very end of the video, it throws an error
“Error 0x040ee109 [url]Http://[/url]”Now, when I plug a work station into the Linksys 10/100 8-Port Workgroup switch in my office, it boots into the FOG menu every time without a problem.
I’ve tried every combination I can think of plugging in the FOG server, and workstation into the same switch, changing switches…and still, it only works when I plug the workstation into the Linksys switch in my office.
I’m at a complete loss.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. -
Sorry for the delay, I got sidetracked with another project.
After some testing…I’m just scratching my head on this one. Please help.
My environment.
Fog 1.1.1 hosted on Dell 3010 / Ubuntu 14.04
Cisco 2950 Switches In my cold room
85 Dell 3010’s
5 Dell 3020’sHere is what is confusing me.
When I boot a 3010 on the floor, it reaches the fog server, downloads the config, and then times out.
The video above shows what is happening. At the very end of the video, it throws an error
“Error 0x040ee109 [url]Http://[/url]”Now, when I plug a work station into the Linksys 10/100 8-Port Workgroup switch in my office, it boots into the FOG menu every time without a problem.
I’ve tried every combination I can think of plugging in the FOG server, and workstation into the same switch, changing switches…and still, it only works when I plug the workstation into the Linksys switch in my office.
I’m at a complete loss.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. -
STP/Portfast settings maybe?
I am also getting a Boot Loop. Brand new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 12.04.4 & 10.04.4 Box with Fog 1.1.1.& 1.1.2, works on an Acer 3830T, but boot loops with an Acer 753.
When back to Fog 0.32 - both worked.
Tried every published kernal with not success.
Please advise.
Many thanks
So, it turns out when portfast is turned on, all works well…but, my net admin is hesitant to do this because Cisco advises against it. Is there a way to increase the PXE timeout?