Show release info
Could you please include the release number somewhere in the user interface? It is useful when reporting problems/bugs and to know how old the installed release is. Could be printed in the footer line.
[quote=“pmonstad, post: 26168, member: 17422”]Could you please include the release number somewhere in the user interface? It is useful when reporting problems/bugs and to know how old the installed release is. Could be printed in the footer line.[/quote]
Not really a make or break feature but this could help with making sure that I stay up to day if there is a reminder someplace
I would love to incorporate this, but there’s no real easy way to do this without editing a file every-time I make a change.
I’ll see if I can come up with a script to do this for me during the copy process but no guarantees quite yet.
This has now been added. If you’re using trunk versions of FOG the SVN version number will be displayed on the “Version” of the file.