Fog 1.0.1 - this is not a partclone image
Is this image from 0.32?
is the image type set to partimage or partclone?
if it is an image from prior to 1.0 it should be set to partimage, 1.0+ uses partclone -
The image type is set to partclone. I don’t see an option to change that though. Can you please let me know where to change that?
And yes the image was created with .032
I remember seeing a way to change it in 0.33 I think, but I don’t see it anymore. For any image not imported from a 0.32 database (i.e., manually added), it doesn’t seem to be possible to change the image type through the web interface. However, it can my changed manually through the server’s command line through MySQL, if you feel comfortable enough for that. Here’s how:
[code]mysql -u root (also add -p if you have a password)
use fog;
update images set imageLegacy = 1 where imageName = ‘Name of your image’;[/code] -
Thanks! I actually use phpmyadmin for direct dB access, so I’ll log in and change it.
Fog Configuration -> Fog Settings -> General Settings -> FOG_LEGACY_FLAG_IN_GUI
[quote=“Junkhacker, post: 28051, member: 21583”]Fog Configuration -> Fog Settings -> General Settings -> FOG_LEGACY_FLAG_IN_GUI[/quote]Ahh, nice! Thank you!
Well, that was it! Thanks so much for your help!
Oh, I assume that now if I want to make a new image of this workstation that I should take the legacy switch off so that it uses partclone going forward?
i recommend creating a new image profile to upload the image to instead of just switching the legacy flag back
Thanks for all your help and advice! Greatly appreciated guys!