Ubuntu boots to black screen after enabling root
I am trying to install Ubunti 13 and the install goes fine. I start following directions to install FOG from this link.
After I enable root and restart, the computer boots to a black screen. This has happened on two different computers of the exact same make/model.
Is this a known issue? How does this get resolved?
Hi Justin, Enabling a root user would not cause you to not be able to boot, the problem unfortunately lies much deeper.
You must make sure that you type the commands, I prefer to copy paste myself, and all should go well. You can actually skip the root enable steps if you like. a LOT of linux users frown on the root user being enabled because most accounts ca have root access anyway.
You must use the following command when you run the installation script:
sudo ./installfog.sh
[/code]I would first start with a fresh installation of Ubuntu, i would stick with the 13.10 that you are using, and after installation perform a few reboots and skip the enable root and see how that fairs.
Thank you.
I will try that now.