Can't access the FOG web management inteface
Check the line:
[code]define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “” );[/code] has a semicolon at the end of it.You need the ( ); as well as the “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, “PASSWORD”.
like this:
define( “MYSQL_DATABASE”, “fog” );
define( “MYSQL_USERNAME”, “root” );
define( “MYSQL_PASSWORD”, "password” );
define( “DB_TYPE”, “mysql” );
define( “DB_HOST”, MYSQL_HOST );
Yes, just like that.
What happens if you go to url:
404 error
Add the Error Logs?
blank aka no source code
I don’t know then. Maybe try reinstalling FOG?
ok shall i delete this post as it just a waste
Not at all.
Quick question, what OS are you running?
I found that the latest Ubuntu 13.10, I had to manually restart the services after installation of FOG, I restarted the mysql and apache2 services and I was able to communicate with my web gui. (no errors were ever reported.) but I was unable to access the web page.
May be something to think about.