Unable to Mount NFS
A fresh install did the trick. I am in the process of imaging my desktop PC. For some reason it would only work if I set the OS to be windows 7 (it runs 8.1) and multiple partitions. However it is currently working. The only problem is my laptop refuses to connect to the internet which has forced me to write this from a cellphone. But that is a temporary problem. Over the next two days I will recreate the fog server in a virtual machine on my laptop in case renaming the NFS services does not help.
In regards to the test machine at work, renaming the services corrected the issue. I was able to start the imaging process. Unfortunately I could not finish because it is necessary to repartition the virtual hard drive to make more space which might require some doing. I have but two questions:
1. Why do active tasks always display as “queued” until finished?
2. For some reason pressing * does not cancel an image upload in progress. -
If the image type is not single-partition, resizable, the base FOG code does not update the task status until it finishes. There is a quick code change that will enable showing of progress for multiple partition, single disk images.
I don’t think the code is in place yet to show progress on upload tasks either.
progress does get displayed now, on all imaging tasks.
What sort of code change are we talking about? The feature would be nice, but is not critical.