Image Upload says complete but image is only 2.2GB
Message I get:
This computer appears to be compatible with fog
Disk…PassPress enter to conitnue
While I know this issue doesn’t seem to be related to kernel, maybe an updated one will help?
Test it, if it doesn’t work oh well.
The other question I have to ask: Are the machines you’re uploading the image from by change Virtual?
We just installed a new Fog server and migrated everything over so no longer having issue on new server. Thanks for your help everyone!
hmm Well I am glad you fixed it by re-installing, but I am still curious as to what the issue was
My guess was it was a password/permissions error. We were trying to get multicasting working(still isnt on the new server, another can of worms) and we made lots of undocumented changes(whoops!)
LOL I hear ya!!! that’s why I started to make walkthroughs so I can ease myself back into what I needed to do and why
good idea! we started to document a little what we’ve been doing so far imaging up and down looks good!
It really helps with teaching other staff to use the FOG server too, some people need their hand to be held, others just need the basic information. I like to accommodate both.
[LEFT]Hi folks,[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Kynan,i found a issue [SIZE=3][FONT=arial][COLOR=#444444]concerning[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]the 2GB images problem.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]It was an incorrect NFS version protocol in use, can you check what version is actually used by this command : nfsstat ?[/LEFT]
[LEFT]If in return you get something like that : “Server nfs v2:” you have to change it to version 3, that solve the problem to me…[/LEFT]
Sorry for my poor english ^^ -
When performing nfsstat, do you run this on the Server, or on the system trying to push the image?
Yes it’s on the server.