Chainloading failed
i have two storage nodes that i replaced at the beginning of the summer. everything seemed fine came up in the server, images replicated to them thought everything was good. if i try to image from them i get a chainloading error after the initial fog menu. i checked some logs and they both have some PHP-FPM error logs that repeat the same lines:
[23-Jul-2021 18:06:18 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: No valid storage nodes found in /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/bootmenu.class.php:1495
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/bootmenu.class.php(434): BootMenu->getTasking()
#1 /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/boot.php(52): BootMenu->__construct()
#2 {main}
thrown in /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/bootmenu.class.php on line 1495i tried re-running the installer on one that wasnt working but nothign seemes to have changed. so i feel like i must have messed up a setting somewhere but im not sure where or what to look for.
server and nodes are all running 1.5.9 on cent os 7
I was able to resolve my own issue. ID10T error.
After reinstalling the storage servers at the respective sites and reassigning them to their groups, i had forgotten to set the locations plugin. After i set the servers in the location plugin everything resumed working as normal.
@jherron Great to hear you figured it out. Well done!
I was going to setup a test scenario to see if I can replicate the issue. But would have been very hard to figure out not knowing that you use the location plugin.