Post Init Script Issues
@Chris-Whiteley What exactly do you have in
? How do you know it’s not being used? -
@Sebastian-Roth The reason I know it’s not being used is because the changes I made are not happening during a full registration and the script “echo’s” are not there. Here is the patch.fullreg
currfile="/bin/" newfile="${postinitpath}" . /usr/share/fog/lib/ echo "Testing path for our fixed file at ${postinitpath}" debugPause # Test path and run copy if found and matched. if [[ -r $newfile ]]; then echo "Found file preparing to copy" debugPause cp -f $newfile $currfile >/dev/null 2>&1 [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]] && echo "Copy Failed" || echo "Copy Succeeded" debugPause else echo "Failed to find file sorry" debugPause fi
This was borrowed from Tom Elliot’s post. I tried the very simple one first and that didn’t work, so I tried this one next and the same issue.
@Chris-Whiteley so what does your fog.postinit script look like?
Again I’ll refer you to my post:
Specifically look at the fog.patch.customhostname and fog.postinit sections.
@george1421 I ended up figuring it out. I had 3 different locations in /images that had the “postinitscripts” folder which I thought was odd. I had it at the root of /images, inside of /images/dev and inside of /images/dev/dev/. I ended up copying the same things into those 2 other folders and now it is working. I am not sure where it is pulling from though.
@george1421 I already showed you right in the question I asked, but since you want to see it again:
#!/bin/bash ## This file serves as a starting point to call your custom pre-imaging/post init loading scripts. ## <SCRIPTNAME> should be changed to the script you're planning to use. ## Syntax of post init scripts are #. ${postinitpath}<SCRIPTNAME> . ${postinitpath}patch.fullreg
@Chris-Whiteley PostInit pulls from /images/dev/postinitscripts (the ${postinitpath} is defined as this.)
The /images/dev/dev should not exist but won’t hurt anything either.
I’ll paste the code below, but just for understanding of what it does:
It looks for postinit script in /imagesinit based on the type of task.
Capture task:/imagesinit/
mounted would be looking at/images/dev/
Deploy task:/imagesinit/
would be looking at/images/
The code that sets this up:
dots "Running post init scripts" [[ ! -d /imagesinit ]] && mkdir /imagesinit >/dev/null 2>&1 umount /imagesinit >/dev/null 2>&1 mount -o nolock,proto=tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,intr,noatime "$storage" /imagesinit >/tmp/mount-output 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ -f /imagesinit/.mntcheck ]]; then if [[ -f /imagesinit/postinitscripts/fog.postinit ]]; then postinitpath="/imagesinit/postinitscripts/" elif [[ -f /imagesinit/dev/postinitscripts/fog.postinit ]]; then postinitpath="/imagesinit/dev/postinitscripts/" fi . ${postinitpath}fog.postinit fi umount /imagesinit >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "Done" debugPause else echo "Skipped" debugPause fi
@Tom-Elliott Thanks Tom for showing that. It looks like mine is pulling from /images/postinitscripts and not the /images/dev/postinitscripts for doing a full host registration and inventory. Is there a way to change “other tag” and other verbiage both in the FOG web and in the database? Basically, I am looking to put certain info inside of FOG and then find a way to export that out to a different system.
For Instance, when my company buys computers, we have to track the Purchase Order (P.O.) they go with. I would like to have one of the prompts be asking for the P.O. and then find a way to export that or send that info to another system.
Is that even possible?
@Chris-Whiteley Run the following commands and post output here:
ls -al /images/dev/postinitscripts/ cat /images/dev/postinitscripts/fog.postinit
I just tested and your script works as far as I can see.
ls -al /images/dev/postinitscripts/
drwxrwsrwx. 2 fogproject root 70 Nov 3 15:26 . drwsrwsrwx. 4 fogproject root 73 Nov 4 07:45 .. -rwxrwxrwt. 1 fogproject root 10000 Nov 3 15:19 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 fogproject root 279 Nov 3 15:45 fog.postinit -rwxrwxrwt. 1 fogproject root 502 Nov 3 15:48 patch.fullreg
cat /images/dev/postinitscripts/fog.postinit
#!/bin/bash ## This file serves as a starting point to call your custom pre-imaging/post init loading scripts. ## <SCRIPTNAME> should be changed to the script you're planning to use. ## Syntax of post init scripts are #. ${postinitpath}<SCRIPTNAME> . ${postinitpath}patch.fullreg
@Tom-Elliott said in Post Init Script Issues:
It looks for postinit script in /imagesinit based on the type of task.
Capture task: /imagesinit/ mounted would be looking at /images/dev/
Deploy task: /imagesinit/ would be looking at /images/Possibly we need to take this discussion off line but shouldn’t we consider creating a symbolic links between
if the point of view changes between image capture and deployment? This way there is only one location contains the file that are used with both capture and deployment. -
@george1421 Remember that during a capture, the $storage variable is defined, usually:
In the case of a deplooy the $storage variable is defined, usually:
That’s why the checking.
If somebody wants to move the postinit into /images, then it should be symlinked, but that’s beyond our scope. That’s more of a preference .