Using OEM License Key During Imaging
Here at our company, we are trying to setup images with fog (which I have for the most part) but I am trying to sysprep them using the OEM key that came with the machine. We dont have a volume license or kms server so thats not an option. ANy ideas?
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It’s not legal for you to be imaging your machines if you do not have a Volume License.
Okay I will try that!
How do you handle your local admin account during imaging? Do you set that up before you sysprep? or do you add that in your unattend file? If its in your file, exactly what do you do?
I am currently using the windows image system manager and doing my answer file that way. But I think I could be messing up the account as well. Not sure what route to take when setting up local administrator account. the built in one
@dmoore Finer points so you can be in legal rights:
While the article is old, I believe it is still a relevant. (more recent documentation)