TFTP Open Timeout
just try updating PXELINUX as described [url][/url]
I did. It had no effect.
On the subnet where I have my Fog server setup, it PXE boots just fine. On any other subnet, it will not get a DHCP address which leads it to be unable to PXE boot.
so if that subnet isn’t getting dhcp - is there a scope set on the windows box for that subnet with a pool set - is the pool exhausted ? check to see if the pool isn’t exhausted …
i was under the impression it was getting an ip address ??? you syslog post [B]“sent /tftpboot/fog/bg.png to” [/B]
right ?[B][/B]
also check to make sure you are able to route to your fog server …
firewall rules ???
The pool is definitely not exhausted. If it boots to Windows, it gets its DHCP address.
Yes (to your second post).
In my internal network, there is no firewall whatsoever.
tftp on fog ok - running confirmed
dhcp - giving addresses options 66&67 set ok
routing ok
firewall rules (any,any) nothing should be blocked …ok
try from the windows box (10.120.100.x subnet right?) command prompt tftp [I]foghost[/I] get pxelinux.0 ? -
sorry still won’t fix it anyways
the workstation in the pxe process isn’t being allocated an ip address but an up and running os can ?- can you post a screen shot? -
On a Windows box in the 10.110.100.x subnet, the OS pulls this from my DHCP server:
DHCP Enabled: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled: Yes
IPv4 Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
DHCP Server:, if I PXE boot, it never gets DHCP so it doesn’t continue into PXE.
I use to use Alitirs and it worked just fine. We had its PXE server set to “Use the DHCP port.”
Here’s something else that is interesting:
When I’m booting a PC on the same subnet as my Fog server ( and I choose to get IP information once I’m inside Fog, it shows that DHCP gave out the correct address.
It has to be something to do with my other PCs being outside of that subnet. We divide each lab into a different subnet so there’s no way that I can really join them all together.
Alright, somehow, I made progress today. I can now successfully PXE boot in two out of eight labs.
I’ve been attempting to upload an image and when it gets to mounting the NFS share, I get the error: Bad descriptor file and then it restarts. Once again, I’m lost.
I reinstalled Fog and put my DHCP server as the router’s address. This got me past the bad descriptor file error.
Now, I get: “RPC remote system error connection refused.”
Who knows if I’ll ever get this working. It’s just one error after another.
May Sound stupid but did you trying using
sudo stop tftpd-hpa
sudo start tftpd-hpain the terminal
hey guys…
could possibly be unrelated… but…
we were having issues with TFTP Timeout when it came to subnets other than the one fog was on… it turns out the switch needed configuration to allow spanning subnets (not sure on exact terminology but 5 minutes after the network guy worked on the core switch, it was working).the bad descriptor problem, I resolved by making sure that .mntcheck was in both the /images and in the /images/dev folder…
good luck… let us know how you go…
I think it’s something along the lines of ip-helper on the managed switches.
Had the same problem today.
Did this
[CODE]sudo stop tftpd-hpa
sudo start tftpd-hpa[/CODE]and on ubuntu I disconnected the wired connection profile and reconnected and was fixed.