Database Connection Issues - Mysql.service won't start
I used the command grow part and now it is showing sda2 as having 800G.df -h is still showing sda2 as having 500G. Should I try running through the initial commands you gave me and those listed in the YouTube video again to expand it?
@Naline Ok now we are moving towards an ending. You just grew the partition to the size of the disk. Now you need to extend the filesystem to the size of the partition (remember they are not directly connected but interdependant).
Now you need to run the resize filesystem command
sudo resize2fs /dev/sda2
You are the best! We are good to go! Thank you for all your help and for sticking it out with me. I hope this thread helps someone else later on down the line. You’ve also helped me increase my Linux command line knowledge a bunch.
@Naline I just wish I could have found the post I used before. As I said it was 2 simple commands to expand the disk. Its just which two commands that were the stumbling block.
I agree I hope this thread help the next guy.