Blank Install Page
@Tom-Elliott said in Blank Install Page:
SHOW GRANTS FOR fogstorage;
in catching up I got the same SQL errors
Running the show grants does this
mysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR fogstorage; ERROR 1141 (42000): There is no such grant defined for user 'fogstorage' on host '%'
in trying to re run the command in the browser
GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs94543688031'
I get this
mysql> GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs94543688031' -> ; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IDENTIFIED BY 'fs94543688031'' at line 1 mysql>
My version is
mysql> select @@version -> ; +-----------+ | @@version | +-----------+ | 8.0.17 | +-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
@dsoden hold on, we found something and fixed something else. Tom and I are chatting at the moment. The 1.6 beta installs (almost) correctly on centos 8 1905
@dsoden Mind ensuring your running on dev-branch?
The IDENTIFIED BY line has been moved from the GRANT line to it’s own line due to CentOS 8 having a version of Mysql that’s’ newer. We have to separate the generation of the user.
@george1421 and I are chatting in the background, we haven’t just left things alone, just need realtime assist.
@Tom-Elliott @george1421 all good then Ill check back after a period of time.
I’m using the public download version again because nothing was working.
kinda getting lost where I’m suppose to be. Once you have things sorted let me know and Ill run a full clean test on my side - thanks! -
@dsoden Where you are at right now exit out of the installer and open
mysql -u root -p
Then clean up the residue.
DROP USER IF EXISTS 'fogstorage'@'%'; DROP DATABASE fog;
Then switch back to the root of the fogproject that was downloaded.
and issue this commandgit checkout working-1.6
then change back to
and rerun the fog installer. You will see an error message about the firewall, but just go past that for the moment. -
The public download is meant to be stable, but please remember that 1.5.7 was released a few months ago (before CentOS 8|RH
was even available.
If you can do git please run:
git clone /opt/fogprojectgit cd fogprojectgit git checkout dev-branch git pull cd bin ./
You will be able to pull the fixes we put in by simply:
cd /opt/fogprojectgit git pull # this pulls in any updates pushed out cd bin ./ -y
@Tom-Elliott - sorry it took so long to get back to you.
I did a new fresh install of centos server no gui (my default) - up till now for installing this product I used server the GUI just in case I needed it.
here are my observations and steps.
- yum git install
- git clone /opt/fogprojectgit
- /opt/fogprojectgit/bin/ (no switch as its a new install for this new OS install)
obs: the reason my previous install had installed a bridge is because when installed the OS I forgot in virturalbox to change the network to bridged from NAT. I assume when set to NAT CentOS installs the bridge. With that being said I no longer had 2 interfaces to choose from. The installer still asked but when I said NO it went on as expected. not sure if something is actually fixed here or if simply eliminating 2 potential IO choices fixed the issue meaning there could still be issues here.
Rest of install went smooth - however a new issue and here is how I found it. I reached the point for the schema web based install and the page never loaded - same 500 error, so ran the command you posted earlier
ls: cannot access '/var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log': No such file or directory [root@fogserver ~]# ls /var/log/php-fpm error.log [root@fogserver ~]# cat /var/log/php-fpm/error.log [02-Nov-2019 10:48:03] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 17409 [02-Nov-2019 10:48:03] NOTICE: ready to handle connections [02-Nov-2019 10:48:03] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms
the error log file name changed - however no error - happy about that but baffled too.
next I ran on the server (remember no GUI) wget and the URL and I got the index.html page and ran cat on it. Looks promising so why in the hell can I not see it on my PC?Then it dawned on me the installer detected and asked to dissable SELinux but never asked about the firewall and systemctl status firewalld showed Active: active (running). systemctl stop firewalld and re ran the status and it off. BAM! now I can hit the web page to run the installation.
back to the same issues (not knowing what code was fixed or tweaked - was not sure what to expect)
Install / Update Failed! The following errors occurred Update ID: 16 Database Error: Failed to query: Error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IDENTIFIED BY 'fs19920677548'' at line 1 Error Message: Error Code: "42000", Error Message: ["42000",1064,"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IDENTIFIED BY 'fs19920677548'' at line 1"], Debug: SQL: [70] GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs19920677548' Params: 0 Variable contains: Array ( [0] => ALTER TABLE `tasks` ADD COLUMN `taskBPM` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskPCT`, ADD COLUMN `taskTimeElapsed` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskBPM`, ADD COLUMN `taskTimeRemaining` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskTimeElapsed`, ADD COLUMN `taskDataCopied` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskTimeRemaining`, ADD COLUMN `taskPercentText` varchar(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskDataCopied`, ADD COLUMN `taskDataTotal` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `taskPercentText` [1] => CREATE TABLE `nfsGroups` (`ngID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ngName` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngDesc` longtext NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ngID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC [2] => CREATE TABLE `nfsGroupMembers` (`ngmID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`ngmMemberName` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmMemberDescription` longtext NOT NULL,`ngmIsMasterNode` char NOT NULL,`ngmGroupID` integer NOT NULL,`ngmRootPath` longtext NOT NULL,`ngmIsEnabled` char NOT NULL,`ngmHostname` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmMaxClients` integer NOT NULL,`ngmUser` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmPass` varchar(250) NOT NULL,`ngmKey` varchar(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ngmID`),INDEX `new_index`(`ngmMemberName`),INDEX `new_index2`(`ngmIsMasterNode`),INDEX `new_index3`(`ngmGroupID`),INDEX `new_index4`(`ngmIsEnabled`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC [3] => ALTER TABLE `images` ADD COLUMN `imageNFSGroupID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `imageDD`,ADD INDEX `new_index3`(`imageNFSGroupID`) [4] => ALTER TABLE `tasks` ADD COLUMN `taskNFSGroupID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `taskDataTotal`,ADD COLUMN `taskNFSMemberID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `taskNFSGroupID`,ADD COLUMN `taskNFSFailures` char NOT NULL AFTER `taskNFSMemberID`,ADD COLUMN `taskLastMemberID` integer NOT NULL AFTER `taskNFSFailures`,ADD INDEX `new_index5`(`taskNFSGroupID`),ADD INDEX `new_index6`(`taskNFSMemberID`),ADD INDEX `new_index7`(`taskNFSFailures`),ADD INDEX `new_index8`(`taskLastMemberID`) [5] => CREATE TABLE `nfsFailures` (`nfID` integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`nfNodeID` integer NOT NULL,`nfTaskID` integer NOT NULL,`nfHostID` integer NOT NULL,`nfGroupID` integer NOT NULL,`nfDateTime` integer NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`nfID`),INDEX `new_index`(`nfNodeID`),INDEX `new_index1`(`nfTaskID`),INDEX `new_index2`(`nfHostID`),INDEX `new_index3`(`nfGroupID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC [6] => ALTER TABLE `nfsFailures` MODIFY COLUMN `nfDateTime` datetime NOT NULL,ADD INDEX `new_index4`(`nfDateTime`) [7] => ALTER TABLE `multicastSessions` CHANGE `msAnon2` `msNFSGroupID` integer NOT NULL, ADD INDEX `new_index`(`msNFSGroupID`) [8] => INSERT IGNORE INTO `nfsGroups` (`ngName`,`ngDesc`) VALUES ('default','Auto generated fog nfs group') [9] => INSERT IGNORE INTO `nfsGroupMembers` (`ngmMemberName`,`ngmMemberDescription`,`ngmIsMasterNode`,`ngmGroupID`,`ngmRootPath`,`ngmIsEnabled`,`ngmHostname`,`ngmMaxClients`,`ngmUser`,`ngmPass`) VALUES ('DefaultMember','Auto generated fog nfs group member','1','1','/images','1','','10','fogproject','=3cEyv}E') [10] => UPDATE `images` set imageNFSGroupID = '1' [11] => DELETE FROM `globalSettings` WHERE `settingKey` IN ('FOG_NFS_HOST','FOG_NFS_FTP_USERNAME','FOG_NFS_FTP_PASSWORD','FOG_NFS_DATADIR','FOG_NFS_DATADIR_CAPTURE') [12] => INSERT IGNORE INTO `globalSettings` (`settingKey`,`settingDesc`,`settingValue`,`settingCategory`) VALUES ('FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLUSER','This setting defines the username the storage nodes should use to connect to the fog server.','fogstorage','FOG Storage Nodes'),('FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLPASS','This setting defines the password the storage nodes should use to connect to the fog server.','fs19920677548','FOG Storage Nodes') [13] => GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs19920677548' [14] => UPDATE `schemaVersion` set `vValue`='16' ) Database SQL: GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs19920677548'
I than ran this on the database to see any additional info.
[root@fogserver ~]# mysql Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 1947 Server version: 8.0.17 Source distribution Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> show databases -> ; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | fog | | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | | sys | +--------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.01 sec) mysql> use fog Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> GRANT ALL ON `fog`.* TO 'fogstorage'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'fs19920677548' -> ; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IDENTIFIED BY 'fs19920677548'' at line 1
So that’s where I am at and whats happened - not sure what else I was suppose to do or test.
@Tom-Elliott als for got to mention before I ran wget on the server to get to the install web page I ran
dnf -y install php-json
I was not sure if this fix was in the release from git - when I saw no change I then went on to realize it was a firewall issue. however it could still have needed this command too I do not know as I did not know about the firewall issue. Ideally I would have dissabled and only run the above if it was still failing or there was errors in the log - which never got a chance to log anything due to the firewall (chicken and the egg
@dsoden With the error you received you missed a command in both Tom’s and my post to switch from the main branch (that came out before centos 8 was released) to the 1.6. dev branch (which was last updated just a few days ago) by issuing this command between the git clone and the
git checkout dev-branch
With out that command the fog installer will in stall 1.5.7 and that error will be generated. That is the same mistake I made when I setup the test install of Centos 8 in my environment.
@george1421 restored base install snap and red-ownloaded then switched to the dev-branch. confirmed by
cat .git/HEAD ref: refs/heads/dev-branch
re-ran installer
- firewall still not being detected after detection of SELinux and prompt to disable, which later causes problems non locally.
- install seams to be taking considerably longer (~double the original time - not that I care as it’s working) just bring it up in case there is value in it.
I tried to hit the page and could not but once I stopped the firewall it works externally as expected and the install finished as expected - no need to manually run the below either - YEA!
dnf -y install php-json
@dsoden the dev-branch and working-1.6 already adds PHP-Json for OSVersion > 7. May need a bit more refining to ensure all is well with our fedora users. The error you presented was due to CentOS 8 moving to have php-json as a module separate from php-common as was done in the past. (The json error you saw.). Once that was fixed I knew you pulled master as the GRANT ALL in dev-branch and working-1.6 does not have the IDENTIFIED BY in the same line anymore, specifically because of there error you saw in trying to install it.
I haven’t nailed down the firewalld issue as we do have a command trying to disable this already, but it seems to be failing.
@dsoden said in Blank Install Page:
firewall still not being detected after detection of SELinux and prompt to disable, which later causes problems non locally.
I ran into the same issue the second time I setup a centos 8 server, but I know from the fog install prerequisites that selinux needs to be set to permissive and firewalld needs to be stopped before FOG is installed. So when it got to that point in the installer I noted it, but it continued without complaints. When I have time I was going to reverse engineer why the firewall’s state wasn’t being detected in centos 8, but decided to spend my weekend not hovering around my computer (til now).