Another Domain Join Issue
I think we can chalk this one up as solved. I went back to my original audit image and I undid pretty much everything I had tried with the exception of using the newer FOG client. With my original SetupComplete file and everything else back to the way it was, it seems to be working now.
I truly believe the fix was just a matter of updating the FOG client to 11.16 I apologize for all of the hassle but I appreciate all of the help you tried to give me.
I have been experiencing similar issues since moving to 1903… Though I am using the 11.16 FOG client. I didn’t find that adding those two sc.exe lines in my SetupComplete helped, and after checking for errors I have ruled out the Win update issue. I am considering starting a new image from scratch again, because like Jay, I’ve gone through about a dozen different changes and might be missing something crucial.
@Sebastian-Roth Is that Modules.dll for a small fix or for debugging? I’ve seen on other posts that you can join domain the in unattend.xml file. Is there a way to join domain AND change the name?
Looking for any sort of fix or recommendations here. For now, I’m fine with throwing some duct tape on it to get back off the ground!
@ayy_nelson said in Another Domain Join Issue:
I have been experiencing similar issues since moving to 1903
Did you do an in-place upgrade or fresh install of 1903??
What do you mean by similar? The fog-client software not joining a domain or renaming the host can have a dozen or so different reasons. I’d suggest you post you full story in a new topic, add a full fog-client log and we’ll have a look at it.
Is that Modules.dll for a small fix or for debugging?
Only debugging.
I’ve seen on other posts that you can join domain the in unattend.xml file. Is there a way to join domain AND change the name?
I am not an expert on unattend.xml stuff. Maybe @george1421 can give you an answer on this.
@ayy_nelson said in Another Domain Join Issue:
Is there a way to join domain AND change the name?
Yes there is. In my case I don’t use the FOG Client at all for regulatory reasons. So I do everything in the unattend.xml file. My unattend.xml file connect the computer to AD as well as sets its host name. I do this using a FOG Post install script that connects to the windows
drive just after the image is copied, updates the unattend.xml file with deploy time data, and finally disconnects from the
drive before FOG finishes its deploy sequence.
The post install script how to is covered here:
You are probably most interested in the “fog.updateunattend” script. I know the sed scripts will melt your brain, but that’s where all of the action is. They search for the key word(s) then replace the key words with the keywords + the proper values.
Here is a sanatized version of my unattend.xml script. I’m using the same one for Win10 1903 as I used for Win7. The point is if its in a text file and can be searched by
the value(s) can be replaced bysed