Isolated Network - Operation not supported
I’m running a MSI Laptop i7 - 2.80 Ghz, 16GB Ram, 512GB SSD + 1TB hardrive.
I have Vmware workstation 15 player, with Ubuntu 19.04 installed. Fog 1.5.7 installed from Github.
All is working so far until I get tftp and it errors t Operation not supported.
I’ve tried this on my Dell mini 10v and my HP Pavillion. both screenshots attached.!
@doggiebone OK follow this tutorial and be up and running in 10 minutes or less (15 minutes if you are a slow typer):
We are going to use a service called dnsmaq to supply the pxe boot information, bypassing what your soho router is telling the target computer. This service class is called ProxyDHCP.
Will you tell me what you have exactly for dhcp options 66 and 67? Also what is the IP address of your fog server on this imaging network.
Just to be sure you did disable the firewall on the FOG server as well as set selinux to permissive as outlined in the prerequisites?
Hi George1421, I am running the the fog server in isolated network, I’m hoping by doing this I don’t have to use the windows server which I have before. So I went for the isolated network option for my home network.
The fog server ip address is
I followed the guide as in the prerequisites.
I have checked the firewall it is disabled see screenshot attached.
@doggiebone said in Isolated Network - Operation not supported:
isolated network option for my home network.
This is fine. So now that we know you have a home setup, what device is your dhcp server?
The question/problem I’m having is why is the fog supplied iPXE boot kernel not know the tftp protocol. That should be in almost every version of iPXE ever built.
Ugh looking at your picture again. I see that its trying to boot fro and your fog server is at This tells me you are using your soho router as the pxe boot device. Is that correct? If so we have an almost easy fix for this environment.
Yes I am using soho router as the pxe boot device but with little luck. -
@doggiebone OK follow this tutorial and be up and running in 10 minutes or less (15 minutes if you are a slow typer):
We are going to use a service called dnsmaq to supply the pxe boot information, bypassing what your soho router is telling the target computer. This service class is called ProxyDHCP.
Thanks george1421 that has worked for me, I ran into some issues with dhcp.conf that is now resolved, resolv.conf kept being over written but I found an article that sort it out.
I was able to register my machine on fog server really pleased. I now need to a new create a images directory with a external USB, because I don’t have enough internal hardrive space, I do believe this is on the Wiki page?
Thanks for your help this can be close off.
@doggiebone said in Isolated Network - Operation not supported:
resolv.conf kept being over written but I found an article that sort it out.
This almost sounds like your FOG server’s IP address is being set by dhcp? If that’s the case you need to set it static or you will have problems since the IP address is hard coded into the configuration when the FOG server is installed.
Well done on the rest of getting it setup.